Saturday, April 12, 2008

Double Portion

This weeks marks one year since I started working in the Salt Lake Temple as an ordinance worker. I am stunned- a whole year, I cannot believe I made it this long. Nearly every Saturday for a year, I have woken up at 4am to be at the temple by 5am for a 6 hour shift. In the winter it is frigid walking two blocks at 5am. (Not to mention and additional Wed am shift from April to November last year) Despite the hour and lack of Saturday freedom it is the best thing I have ever done for my life. I love who I have become since working in the temple. There are no words to describe it. Nothing else could have gotten me out of bed for a year at 4am.
However, a change is upon me. This last week I felt a strong prompting to change from my Saturday shift- with a sense of urgency behind it. As a result, next week will be my last Saturday am shift. I actually cried when I handed Sister Monson my shift change request form. If God smiles down upon me I will be able to pick up Friday am instead. (I am not ready to give up working in the temple, I love it too much.) I have suspicions as to why I needed this change, but only time will tell. There is some mourning over what I am leaving behind (a lot more to come if I can't transfer to another shift), but a lot of joy and excitement.
Can you imagine... my favorite yoga class Sat morning, shopping at the farmers market, climbing with friends in the canyon (they always go in the morning), sleeping in, spontaneous road trips, staying up late on Friday night, not being dead tired all day Sat...
I gave up all those things last year and I will admit it was a sacrifice- But I get them all back with a double portion. Double portion because I appreciate, value, and find more joy in "weekend activities" in a way I never could have before. Double portion also because I have received a multiplicity of blessings for my service. The Lord always gives more than our service is "worth".
Working in the temple has been the greatest blessing in my life. Although I have been endowed for 5 years- attending regularly, I didn't gain a true, deep and abiding testimony of the temple until I worked there. That is a lesson I need to remember- testimony gained by work.

1 comment:

SRA said...

I've been an ordinance worker for almost 4 months now and I totally agree with you. I call it "the happiest six hours of my week". I hope you figure out what's prompting your shift change...