Friday, April 25, 2008

Bless His Heart

I have, sadly enough, rented for 12 years now. I moved almost every year until I became a resident of The John Henry Smith House. Amazingly enough, I am approaching 3 1/2 years here. There is one thing all renters have in common... landlords. 12 years of renting has been 12 years of various landlords. Landlords come in all "shapes and sizes" and range in the "for better or for worse" scale. My current landlord, who we will call BB, is a conundrum. All attempts to understand how his brain works are futile and only leaves one stumped, frustrated, and quite confused. "Huh?" is a frequent occurrence when discussing actions and conversations of BB. I am quite sad that I have failed to document these experiences because the compilation of them all would be most entertaining. Alas, hindsight is 20/20. But to my great joy, I have a BB story that occurred today that I am happy to share.

Last week I walked to the back of the house to get the lawn mower, excited that spring is winning the fight over winter enough to start a chore of summer. But when I got there, there was no lawn mower. Slightly confused, I mentioned it to Emily. She stated that BB picked up the lawn mower awhile ago. Huh, I thought, he didn't mention anything to me. (The lease is my name.) Well today I look out and think, we have a jungle growing. I can't stand it. I hate calling and talking to BB but it had to be done. I got his voice mail- I simply stated that the lawn was getting terrible and needs to be cut but we have no lawn mower. A couple of hours later I get a call from BB. I was on the phone with my aunt and didn't really want to talk to him so I let my voice mail pick it up. This is the message he leaves- Heather I have bad news, the house is no longer in contract to be sold, we have to start showing the house again. I am going to be having someone come by soon for an estimate on air conditioning. And I really need you to mow the lawn, it is getting too long and it's your responsibility. Thanks BB.-- What? Did he really just say that after I just called about it? So I call him back and we have a little chat, obviously he hadn't listened to my message. -- Oh, yeah I forgot I took back the lawn mower, I was going to fix the cord and never got around to it.-- All I could think was... Classic. Bless his heart.


Anonymous said...

Haha! That's classic.


Unknown said...

I read your post yesterday and then last night I thought of a couple of my BB experiences:

1) The time he came to fix our furnace and ended up borrowning my car to run to the store to get some tools

2) The time when, after living in the house for a year, I locked myself out, and with everyone else out of town, called him. He told me he had no idea who I was and was going to need some verification. Apparently seeing my name on a check every month for a year hadn't gotten his attention.

3) When we built a wall and he "kind of" knew about it.

I'm pretty sad I didn't write them down because I know I've forgotten some good ones.