No pushing, forcing, creating, determining, or questioning... it
Despite pushing, resisting, running, fearing, and questioning... it
What are the odds? Against the odds!
Miracles and continued miracles- it
Unlikely and unexpected- no one and nothing could prepare me for
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Friday, December 4, 2009
Teaching the Teacher
I am discovering the clearest revelation I receive typically comes when I am exercising. Whether I'm running, dancing, doing yoga... That is when God can communicate with me. Perhaps it is when I let go the most and am in the moment- open- Not lost in my agenda. I'm honestly not really sure what the connection is...I've just notice it exists.
Earlier this week I was at the South Davis Rec Center- a favorite workout stop for me, when I was given clarity and wisdom I needed/need. Finding the balance between free agency and divine guidance in decisions is difficult for me at times. Recently, I have been struggling with a decision and have felt way over my head with the knowledge that it is MY decision to make and my future is dependant upon what I choose. The weight of my world- present and future sitting squarely on my shoulders. I was stuck on the principle that it is my choice- my free agency. I was petrified--I felt it was just too big for me and I felt very alone. A blessing from my father helped but still I couldn't understand. How can something I know has to be my choice include divine assistance? I was still lone and carrying the full weight of it all. (I realize this is theology 101 to many- but being IN the moment and IN the situation I couldn't understand.) That is when God sent me a gem of personal revelation.
It came in an image and thought about my PT student. I am currently a clinical instructor for a physical therapy student. For no compensation- just the goodness of my heart =) I am training a future therapist in the "real world". The goal is to make him more or less independent with all the responsibilities I encounter everyday. Working in the shock trauma ICU carries a significant amount of intensity requiring a higher level of clinical reasoning and decision making than typical hospital floors. My student needs to become independent with all the decisions for this critically injured and critically ill population I work with. There are 2 things I don't do with my student. 1. I don't toss him into the lions den and say put your education to use and good luck. 2. I don't give him all the answers. Option one would be a disaster to the student and the patients (and my license) and option two would never enable my student to gain the independence he needs to become an accomplished therapist. I DO prompt, hint, ask leading questions, make suggestions, act as a sounding board (for all ideas good and bad), and steer him away from poor reasoning/directions. In the end he is led to the best/one of the best options but he did the leg work and ultimately made the decision. This is how he learns- and gains skills and independence in clinical reasoning. As his experience increases the amount of guidance decreases until ultimately all he needs is a nod of approval for his final decision/choices.
And there was my revelation. Using my own experiences in guiding someone, I was taught how God guides me. Yes, there are decisions for me to make- but he is not going to leave me alone to hope for the best- especially at most critical junctures.
Earlier this week I was at the South Davis Rec Center- a favorite workout stop for me, when I was given clarity and wisdom I needed/need. Finding the balance between free agency and divine guidance in decisions is difficult for me at times. Recently, I have been struggling with a decision and have felt way over my head with the knowledge that it is MY decision to make and my future is dependant upon what I choose. The weight of my world- present and future sitting squarely on my shoulders. I was stuck on the principle that it is my choice- my free agency. I was petrified--I felt it was just too big for me and I felt very alone. A blessing from my father helped but still I couldn't understand. How can something I know has to be my choice include divine assistance? I was still lone and carrying the full weight of it all. (I realize this is theology 101 to many- but being IN the moment and IN the situation I couldn't understand.) That is when God sent me a gem of personal revelation.
It came in an image and thought about my PT student. I am currently a clinical instructor for a physical therapy student. For no compensation- just the goodness of my heart =) I am training a future therapist in the "real world". The goal is to make him more or less independent with all the responsibilities I encounter everyday. Working in the shock trauma ICU carries a significant amount of intensity requiring a higher level of clinical reasoning and decision making than typical hospital floors. My student needs to become independent with all the decisions for this critically injured and critically ill population I work with. There are 2 things I don't do with my student. 1. I don't toss him into the lions den and say put your education to use and good luck. 2. I don't give him all the answers. Option one would be a disaster to the student and the patients (and my license) and option two would never enable my student to gain the independence he needs to become an accomplished therapist. I DO prompt, hint, ask leading questions, make suggestions, act as a sounding board (for all ideas good and bad), and steer him away from poor reasoning/directions. In the end he is led to the best/one of the best options but he did the leg work and ultimately made the decision. This is how he learns- and gains skills and independence in clinical reasoning. As his experience increases the amount of guidance decreases until ultimately all he needs is a nod of approval for his final decision/choices.
And there was my revelation. Using my own experiences in guiding someone, I was taught how God guides me. Yes, there are decisions for me to make- but he is not going to leave me alone to hope for the best- especially at most critical junctures.
Monday, November 23, 2009
McOmbers Take to the Pool
This picture was actually taken at the end of the night-- FHE extraordinaire, all the McOmbers take to the Lehi pool on a very chilly November evening. And we had a great time!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
31 and Counting
I know that a silly little number really doesn't mean anything... But then again, DO I know that? In all honesty I don't know that. In fact, the weight that number carries varies from totally insignificant to totally Significant. I don't notice my age by how I feel on the inside- the core spirit that is the true self- probably because that is the self that is eternal and thus never ages. But I do notice how much longer it takes me to warm up for dancing, yoga, etc- how much longer it takes to recover and how much my joints are noticing the years of abuse. I see my aging in what is and isn't important to me, how young others seem to be, and how I just don't relate to others in the same way. Lines in my face are beginning to make their debut performance and well I've had some grey hair since graduate school (however I don't think any new ones have appeared). I KNOW I am getting older. Is this a bad thing, scary thing, something to run and cry in shame, frustration, and anger? Well, no. It IS a sobering thing. Generally because I am not where I planned to be, wanted to be, or even thought could be an option. It is a good life- I'm am immensely grateful for all I have-- it is just different. And I don't have a good measure of time because one day blends and melds into the next and there is little to distinguish. Then I feel panicky because time feels like it is just slipping away. Perhaps having children helps to monitor aging in a way I don't have. You watch them change and grow before your eyes- seeing more clearly the passage time... A justification for the years. I look to see the justification for my years and I see someone renting an apt with roommates just as I was 10, 11, 12, 13 years ago... Living a good life- but... still... difficult to understand. Perhaps the number associated with my name and person leads me to act and decide things I may otherwise not. It has definitely become a factor in equations I am working through- When did that happen?
Many thoughts have run through my head as I come to finish this post- this wandering musing of life... But I am going to end it with what I need. with words of wisdom I hope I can take to heart. Trust God. Trust that He knows my life and what is needed and necessary to succeed. Remember that success is not measured by where you live, who you live with, what you do for work, how many children you have- but it is measured by your heart- your commitment to your covenants, how much you have loved, and what you have become and if you can honestly be called by Christ's name and voice and be numbered as one of his fold. And then help others along the way. These are the only justifications for years that matter.
Many thoughts have run through my head as I come to finish this post- this wandering musing of life... But I am going to end it with what I need. with words of wisdom I hope I can take to heart. Trust God. Trust that He knows my life and what is needed and necessary to succeed. Remember that success is not measured by where you live, who you live with, what you do for work, how many children you have- but it is measured by your heart- your commitment to your covenants, how much you have loved, and what you have become and if you can honestly be called by Christ's name and voice and be numbered as one of his fold. And then help others along the way. These are the only justifications for years that matter.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Spinning on a Dime
I have noticed two different ways life changes. Sometimes it is such a gradual curve that you thought you were headed in a ceaseless straight line until you turn around miles down the road only to realize you have been traveling a degree at a time to find yourself surprisingly in a new place- the sum of the one degree added up to something big in the end (for good or for ill). Other times life spins on a dime. As if the dime was a magic portal you stepped on that spins you around 100 times fast - even faster than Mary Poppins spins-(Ashley Stolworthy, that was for you!) forget spotting your head!- and then dumps you out in a foreign land/ planet. Everywhere you were going, everything you were thinking, and all your plans you were making need more than a little revising. But thinking and seeing clearly is essentially impossible because the world is still spinning and forget trying to look around to get your bearings because any attempts at walking might land you directly on your bottom.
Just in case you were curious, I've had a spin on a dime episode... I certainly did not see any warning signs of a transport portal ahead. Still not sure if I landed on idyllic paradise or a hostile war plagued mine field. When my head clears and I trust my legs to walk around I'll let you know. Regardless- A new adventure is a foot- and I am usually game for an adventure. Wish me luck!!
Just in case you were curious, I've had a spin on a dime episode... I certainly did not see any warning signs of a transport portal ahead. Still not sure if I landed on idyllic paradise or a hostile war plagued mine field. When my head clears and I trust my legs to walk around I'll let you know. Regardless- A new adventure is a foot- and I am usually game for an adventure. Wish me luck!!
Monday, October 26, 2009
Being Published- Sneak Preview
If you asked me at any point in my life if I would ever write something that would be published I would have laughed and said NEVER, I am not a writer. Most of my nevers in this life have been blasted to pieces and blown to the wind. This one is no different. Amazingly enough I am being published. It is not a big deal- a very short article for the Ensign I submitted a month or two ago. BUT... it is still a surreal , exciting moment to receive an acceptance letter to have your name in print.
Dear Author:
We are pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been accepted for possible publication in the Ensign. We ask that you sign the attached form. The purpose of the attached document is to define and protect your rights as the creator of the work, as well as our rights as the purchaser...
Here is a sneak preview of the article for all of my loyal readers!
Similarities and Differences
There is a particular Relief Society lesson given in a young single adult ward I will never forget. At the beginning of the lesson there was a T table on a white board with the first section labeled Similarities and the second labeled Differences. As the lesson proceeded, the teacher asked us to start by making a list of the similarities between a married Relief Society sister and a single Relief Society sister. There was an almost audible groan from the collective whole and a collective mind freeze at the onset of this activity- What could possibly be similar? One sister started us off with a hint of sarcasm stating, “Well we are all female”. And that seemed to neatly sum up how we felt on the subject. But the teacher persisted. Gradually hearts opened and the list began to grow: hopes, fears, strengths, weaknesses, responsibilities, talents, the gospel, covenants, faith, courage, potential, pain, sorrows, fatigue, personal need of the atonement… and the list continued. Finally, the teacher had to stop taking comments to move on with the lesson. The teacher now continued by asking us to list our differences. Everyone immediately called out, “Husband!” But then there was a stunned silence- there HAS to be more than that! The board ended up with a few attempts at finding our differences such as -may or may not have kids and different responsibilities/priorities. What we thought would be the short list ended up being the long list and what we thought would be the long list was actually the short list. I did not know how different I let myself believe I was from other sisters in the gospel simply because they are married and I am not. I felt this simple list instill a kindred bond of unity and I saw with new eyes.
This simple lesson not only built a bridge between married sisters and I- a single sister, but between all of God’s children and I. As children of God, our differences lie in the details and packaging of our lives. The similarities between God’s children are so great that if we choose to focus on them unity is bound to increase. Satan and his work thrive by enhancing our differences, teaching us that we cannot relate to one another. I hope and pray we will see each other with eyes focused on our similarities enabling us to come closer to Zion- being of one heart and one mind.
Dear Author:
We are pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been accepted for possible publication in the Ensign. We ask that you sign the attached form. The purpose of the attached document is to define and protect your rights as the creator of the work, as well as our rights as the purchaser...
Here is a sneak preview of the article for all of my loyal readers!
Similarities and Differences
There is a particular Relief Society lesson given in a young single adult ward I will never forget. At the beginning of the lesson there was a T table on a white board with the first section labeled Similarities and the second labeled Differences. As the lesson proceeded, the teacher asked us to start by making a list of the similarities between a married Relief Society sister and a single Relief Society sister. There was an almost audible groan from the collective whole and a collective mind freeze at the onset of this activity- What could possibly be similar? One sister started us off with a hint of sarcasm stating, “Well we are all female”. And that seemed to neatly sum up how we felt on the subject. But the teacher persisted. Gradually hearts opened and the list began to grow: hopes, fears, strengths, weaknesses, responsibilities, talents, the gospel, covenants, faith, courage, potential, pain, sorrows, fatigue, personal need of the atonement… and the list continued. Finally, the teacher had to stop taking comments to move on with the lesson. The teacher now continued by asking us to list our differences. Everyone immediately called out, “Husband!” But then there was a stunned silence- there HAS to be more than that! The board ended up with a few attempts at finding our differences such as -may or may not have kids and different responsibilities/priorities. What we thought would be the short list ended up being the long list and what we thought would be the long list was actually the short list. I did not know how different I let myself believe I was from other sisters in the gospel simply because they are married and I am not. I felt this simple list instill a kindred bond of unity and I saw with new eyes.
This simple lesson not only built a bridge between married sisters and I- a single sister, but between all of God’s children and I. As children of God, our differences lie in the details and packaging of our lives. The similarities between God’s children are so great that if we choose to focus on them unity is bound to increase. Satan and his work thrive by enhancing our differences, teaching us that we cannot relate to one another. I hope and pray we will see each other with eyes focused on our similarities enabling us to come closer to Zion- being of one heart and one mind.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
I did it! I successfully managed to turn 31. It was touch and go there for awhile. Meaning- despite the mixed feelings I was having the weeks proceeding my birthday - I had a really good day. Thanks to my friends who remembered me! It was a great reminder to me on how important recognizing and honoring others truly is. It was great to feel the love and support of so many. So cheers to another year!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Picture Journal
I love That is one of the great joys in life (if your blessed). My grandma hosted Dinner and Women's Conference for any of the women inn the family that could attend.
Talena and Heather Take to the Hills
The trail was beautiful- the best part was the mountain biker that fell off his bike and down the embankment as soon as he passed us. I'm still claiming our stunning beauty and charm as the cause rather than chain catching as he was changing gears. Out of courtesy I didn't take a picture of him.
Monday, September 28, 2009
I Saw God
Yesterday, I found myself on my knees pleading for strength. Strength to accept, strength to have the faith to trust God does love me, and strength to pick myself up- brush off the dirt pull the sticks out of my hair and keep moving forward. What I REALLY wanted was for God to say j/k you actually get your hearts desire- Surprise! Or, a second however less desirable answer, yet still acceptable, I know your hurting so I am going to first take all the pain from your heart and then send immediately something even better to replace what you have lost. But I have learned over bitter-sweet experiences that although God has the power to fulfill my wishes in the manner I prefer- He has the wisdom not to. Therefore my pleas have changed to what I need rather than what I want.
This is not always easy. There is a two-year old within me that pushes back with a big pout and whine saying- “No, I don’t wanna.” Sometimes I am surprised how hard I have to fight back with humility and work to WANT to “eat my vegetables”. Then I expect to see instantaneous results! Hours after my little heart to heart with God the burden felt so heavy I wondered where I could possibly find the strength to move forward. That was when I first saw God.
I saw God in remembering words from Sacrament meeting and I saw Him the next day in the art work at the conference center. God was in the CD that was playing in my car today, in the quotes used by my yoga instructor in class, He was in the lesson I began studying to prepare to teach, and God was even in the activity /lesson at family home evening... Everywhere I went was one quiet sermon after another- over and over until I could not deny it- Until I KNEW. Until I knew God was all around me reaching out His hand to help me over the boulder that was just a little big for me to step over on my own. With each appearance I grew gradually stronger and more confident. Nothing changed in the situation- but I changed. What appeared so large yesterday suddenly seems much smaller.
The interesting part for me was the lesson God used to help me. Over and over again I saw trials, suffering, and difficulties- and yet people endured. I think I needed to know that I am not unique in my hardships- they come to everyone. The history of the Saints of God is filled with people being pushed to the point where they did not know where they would find the strength to continue- and yet they got up and pressed on. This is my heritage and this is life. Somehow knowing life isn’t supposed to be neat and pretty made dealing with the muddiness much easier.
I know I saw God today. And that has made all the difference.
This is not always easy. There is a two-year old within me that pushes back with a big pout and whine saying- “No, I don’t wanna.” Sometimes I am surprised how hard I have to fight back with humility and work to WANT to “eat my vegetables”. Then I expect to see instantaneous results! Hours after my little heart to heart with God the burden felt so heavy I wondered where I could possibly find the strength to move forward. That was when I first saw God.
I saw God in remembering words from Sacrament meeting and I saw Him the next day in the art work at the conference center. God was in the CD that was playing in my car today, in the quotes used by my yoga instructor in class, He was in the lesson I began studying to prepare to teach, and God was even in the activity /lesson at family home evening... Everywhere I went was one quiet sermon after another- over and over until I could not deny it- Until I KNEW. Until I knew God was all around me reaching out His hand to help me over the boulder that was just a little big for me to step over on my own. With each appearance I grew gradually stronger and more confident. Nothing changed in the situation- but I changed. What appeared so large yesterday suddenly seems much smaller.
The interesting part for me was the lesson God used to help me. Over and over again I saw trials, suffering, and difficulties- and yet people endured. I think I needed to know that I am not unique in my hardships- they come to everyone. The history of the Saints of God is filled with people being pushed to the point where they did not know where they would find the strength to continue- and yet they got up and pressed on. This is my heritage and this is life. Somehow knowing life isn’t supposed to be neat and pretty made dealing with the muddiness much easier.
I know I saw God today. And that has made all the difference.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Picture Please
Yesterday was chore day. Clean the house, mow the lawn, cut back the roses, do laundry etc. In the midst of my lawn mowing an elderly gentleman with a lot of spunk came straight up the lawn toward me. i turn the lawn mower off and pulled my ear phones out of ears to ask if I could help him. His response was a little shocking to me- Can I take your picture of you mowing the lawn? What? He continued to explain that it just isn't something you see everyday- a woman mowing the lawn. He asked if I lived there or if I did all the lawns in the neighborhood. I explained that I live here and be my guest if you would like to take my picture. My only hesitancy and regret was that I decided to mow the lawn right after dance class while I was already dirty and then shower after it was all finished rather than changing a million times. I was not as attired as I would like for a photo op- tank top verses a preferred shirt.
What are the Odds?
What are the Odds?
I had a moment I live for today!
Nothing compares to the exhilaration of soaring through the air to land and articulate the body with control and delight as the music moves you beyond your body and into the grand expanse. Have you ever felt it? The feeling of being connected to more than the limits of your physical space? When the spirit pushes past its physical limits and then you are living, thriving and being! NOT thinking, trying, or preoccupied somewhere else. Unity of heart, body and mind. That was the last combination in my dance class today. For a few minutes I knew I was born to dance- I am a dancer. I wish I had the gift for choreography but I am grateful to those who do and who share their talents so I have moments I soar. That is worth living for!
Nothing compares to the exhilaration of soaring through the air to land and articulate the body with control and delight as the music moves you beyond your body and into the grand expanse. Have you ever felt it? The feeling of being connected to more than the limits of your physical space? When the spirit pushes past its physical limits and then you are living, thriving and being! NOT thinking, trying, or preoccupied somewhere else. Unity of heart, body and mind. That was the last combination in my dance class today. For a few minutes I knew I was born to dance- I am a dancer. I wish I had the gift for choreography but I am grateful to those who do and who share their talents so I have moments I soar. That is worth living for!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
As I rule I do not blog about dates I go on. It is just dangerous territory. As most dates go poorly either day of or in break up months later- it just has seemed wise to leave it alone. BUT! This one was too good to be lost with countless other faded and forgotten memories. I've waited a month or two for decency sake and now the time has come to share. Names have been changed to protect the innocent.
John Doe- arrived on time to pick me up for an evening of fine dining and entertainment. I was to later learn that he did a bit of homework before our first date. He talked with several mutual friends to get the "dirt" on me. As far as I know all he got was that I am a physical therapist, dancer, Sunday school teacher, and that I am loud. Not sure how keen I am on being labelled as loud as my descriptor- But, I have to admit I can get excited about things and lose track of my volume. I on the other hand knew as little as I knew when we met at the Iron and Wine concert. Forward, confident (perhaps too confident), and obviously different passions in life as physical appearance revealed. I highly doubted any sparks would fly but, I was willing to go and give it a whirl. ( And I am ever so glad I did because the story is a new favorite of mine.) I was laughing inside the whole night because it was classic for Heather- even my roommates thought it was a true "What are the Odds" night- somewhat- to be expected rather than surprising.
John stands close to 6 feet with more of a broader rather than slender frame. So I thought it perhaps an odder choice of vehicles when we walked up to his Mini. Sure enough the mild contortions he did to get in to the car and the knees he ate while driving made me tilt my head to the side and think "huh". Apparently he hadn't had the car very long and that explained the less than smooth ride that honestly made me a little nervous. To cap off my nervousness we cut off a 12 person van sliding just ahead and slipped neatly into a parking spot right in front of them. Mini verses 12 person van- outcome not in our favor. Just as we stopped the 12 person van pulled right up along side us in a driveway and stopped. I had a momentary fear of road rage at its finest as 8-10 30-40 year old men with their serious tattoos, sun glasses and walk like you mean it attitude came pouring out of the van. (Not your usual crowd for a van and I couldn't help but wonder what conference I missed.) This is when John realizes that we are in a 10 minute parking spot and we have to find somewhere else to park. He takes his foot off the clutch we roll forward a titch and thud- front right tire fell into a massive pothole. This would have been child's play for a truck- but we are not in a truck- we are in a Mini. It as good as swallowed us whole. Stuck! (as Jody my niece appropriately would say when see was first talking and getting into binds.) He let out a sigh of frustration- I laughed. Then we experienced the greatest thing possible. I can honestly say I've lived a Mentos commercial! (Minus the Mentos). Remember all those tough guys that had just piled out of the van? Yep you guessed it. They saw our predicament and just surrounded the front end of the car, picked us up and pushed us back and on our way. We just sat in the car and watched as they picked us up and saved the day. It was GREAT!
We manage to find a real parking spot without much more excitement (except my heart rate elevating with his driving style). Dinner was a short jaunt away and I was happy to be using my feet the rest of the way. Sitabello is a favorite spot- true Italian pizza that I'm sure I never would have appreciated if I had not been to Italy to know authentic first hand. He being a self proclaimed "foodie" agreed in its quality adding more validity to its goodness. Please may I never eat another meal with a foodie. How you eat seems as important as what you eat. I didn't even finish the salad (which is not like me) because how he approached eating. This requires actions to describe and well- this is a blog so it just can't be described. He wasn't condescending about it per se- just particular? Anyway...
I decided some fresh ground pepper sounded like an excellent addition to my pizza ( note- this is my first pizza in months! - but that is another story). One twist of the pepper and AHH! The whole top popped off and 3/4 of the bottle of whole pepper corns ended up on my pizza. REALLY? The next 5 minutes I spent picking out the pepper corns so my pizza is eatable. Finally it is rescued and I am enjoying its deliciousness.
The next hour is relatively unremarkable. I let him talk all he wanted, content to mostly keep my peace. (Not a good sign for how a date is going if I don't feel like talking.) We went for a little walk where he pointed out all his favorite restaurants in the near vicinity including the chiefs, owners, and the date of when the stew is coming back onto the menu. But lets get back to the real story line!
Now it is time for dessert! Gelato- really a most fabulous addition to the world. A little dab will do ya. Content to eat my chocolate hazelnut gelato with bits of nuts to chew I sit down and begin to thoroughly enjoy the rich flavors when... CRUNCH. Crunch? That can't be right. So I start to spit out something hard into my napkin. (Unless your eating watermelon spitting food out on a date is an awkward business.) Black plastic bits? Now we have to talk to management and they pull the gelato from the shelf and there is talk about refunds, free pints, etc... In the end we just let it be and left.
By now- I'll be honest -I'm ready to go home. I'm not feeling any magic and my desire and ability to be fun and entertaining on dates that aren't going anywhere is nil these days. We make our way back to the Mini. At which point I think I had been exaggerating to myself how ridiculous he seemed to fit into it, only to have a little moment of glee when he gets back in and think "nope, I wasn't exaggerating". During this little conversation with myself I was distracted enough to miss the cause of his frustrated mutter under his breath. I look over and see him turn the key, foot on the clutch, with no resulting purr of engine. A big frustrated sigh from him and a short explanation revealed he left the lights on and the battery is dead. At this point I honestly laughed out loud. Of Course the Battery is Dead! This is a Heather date and really- at this point- WHAT ARE THE ODDS? About this time he seemed to hang his head down in defeat. I pipe in that it isn't that big of a deal. We are walking distance- 5 blocks or so- from my house. I have jumper cables in my car and all will be fine in no time. We get out from the car and start walking and I just feel a dark cloud hanging over him. I laugh and said "I am just glad I'm not the one with the pit in my stomach." He didn't respond well to that- to which I relied "Oh come on! How many perfectly smooth and unmemorable dates have you been on? This is fantastic- an adventure- Sure to be quite memorable for days on end." I got an acknowledgement for that one- but I still don't think he bought into it.
Somehow we managed to get to my car without further incident but by the time we arrived at where the Mini sat all the parking spots next to it where taken (we are parked diagonally on the street). The battery was at the end next to the sidewalk. Again dark stormy cloud begins to reappear... "No problem" I say, "I've got it covered." At which point I pull into a nearby driveway and use it to get to the sidewalk and just drive in downtown Salt Lake up the sidewalk until I can park half on park strip and half sidewalk with the hood of my car kissing the parking meter, just close enough for the cables to reach. (I loved watching people's faces as they walked by.)
In no time the Mini was purring again and I'm ready to back down the sidewalk and return home to end a most memorable date. But he wanted to see me home... The rest of the story is filled with an awkward what do you think of me conversation, a great ex story that trumps any dating story I have in my repertoire, and a final retreat home to end one of the greatest Classic dates I can remember. Before I went to bed I sent him a text which read- Thanks for night out with great stories to go home and tell my roommates about. I'm not sure how that went over...
And there you have it! Hope it put a smile on your face!
John Doe- arrived on time to pick me up for an evening of fine dining and entertainment. I was to later learn that he did a bit of homework before our first date. He talked with several mutual friends to get the "dirt" on me. As far as I know all he got was that I am a physical therapist, dancer, Sunday school teacher, and that I am loud. Not sure how keen I am on being labelled as loud as my descriptor- But, I have to admit I can get excited about things and lose track of my volume. I on the other hand knew as little as I knew when we met at the Iron and Wine concert. Forward, confident (perhaps too confident), and obviously different passions in life as physical appearance revealed. I highly doubted any sparks would fly but, I was willing to go and give it a whirl. ( And I am ever so glad I did because the story is a new favorite of mine.) I was laughing inside the whole night because it was classic for Heather- even my roommates thought it was a true "What are the Odds" night- somewhat- to be expected rather than surprising.
John stands close to 6 feet with more of a broader rather than slender frame. So I thought it perhaps an odder choice of vehicles when we walked up to his Mini. Sure enough the mild contortions he did to get in to the car and the knees he ate while driving made me tilt my head to the side and think "huh". Apparently he hadn't had the car very long and that explained the less than smooth ride that honestly made me a little nervous. To cap off my nervousness we cut off a 12 person van sliding just ahead and slipped neatly into a parking spot right in front of them. Mini verses 12 person van- outcome not in our favor. Just as we stopped the 12 person van pulled right up along side us in a driveway and stopped. I had a momentary fear of road rage at its finest as 8-10 30-40 year old men with their serious tattoos, sun glasses and walk like you mean it attitude came pouring out of the van. (Not your usual crowd for a van and I couldn't help but wonder what conference I missed.) This is when John realizes that we are in a 10 minute parking spot and we have to find somewhere else to park. He takes his foot off the clutch we roll forward a titch and thud- front right tire fell into a massive pothole. This would have been child's play for a truck- but we are not in a truck- we are in a Mini. It as good as swallowed us whole. Stuck! (as Jody my niece appropriately would say when see was first talking and getting into binds.) He let out a sigh of frustration- I laughed. Then we experienced the greatest thing possible. I can honestly say I've lived a Mentos commercial! (Minus the Mentos). Remember all those tough guys that had just piled out of the van? Yep you guessed it. They saw our predicament and just surrounded the front end of the car, picked us up and pushed us back and on our way. We just sat in the car and watched as they picked us up and saved the day. It was GREAT!
We manage to find a real parking spot without much more excitement (except my heart rate elevating with his driving style). Dinner was a short jaunt away and I was happy to be using my feet the rest of the way. Sitabello is a favorite spot- true Italian pizza that I'm sure I never would have appreciated if I had not been to Italy to know authentic first hand. He being a self proclaimed "foodie" agreed in its quality adding more validity to its goodness. Please may I never eat another meal with a foodie. How you eat seems as important as what you eat. I didn't even finish the salad (which is not like me) because how he approached eating. This requires actions to describe and well- this is a blog so it just can't be described. He wasn't condescending about it per se- just particular? Anyway...
I decided some fresh ground pepper sounded like an excellent addition to my pizza ( note- this is my first pizza in months! - but that is another story). One twist of the pepper and AHH! The whole top popped off and 3/4 of the bottle of whole pepper corns ended up on my pizza. REALLY? The next 5 minutes I spent picking out the pepper corns so my pizza is eatable. Finally it is rescued and I am enjoying its deliciousness.
The next hour is relatively unremarkable. I let him talk all he wanted, content to mostly keep my peace. (Not a good sign for how a date is going if I don't feel like talking.) We went for a little walk where he pointed out all his favorite restaurants in the near vicinity including the chiefs, owners, and the date of when the stew is coming back onto the menu. But lets get back to the real story line!
Now it is time for dessert! Gelato- really a most fabulous addition to the world. A little dab will do ya. Content to eat my chocolate hazelnut gelato with bits of nuts to chew I sit down and begin to thoroughly enjoy the rich flavors when... CRUNCH. Crunch? That can't be right. So I start to spit out something hard into my napkin. (Unless your eating watermelon spitting food out on a date is an awkward business.) Black plastic bits? Now we have to talk to management and they pull the gelato from the shelf and there is talk about refunds, free pints, etc... In the end we just let it be and left.
By now- I'll be honest -I'm ready to go home. I'm not feeling any magic and my desire and ability to be fun and entertaining on dates that aren't going anywhere is nil these days. We make our way back to the Mini. At which point I think I had been exaggerating to myself how ridiculous he seemed to fit into it, only to have a little moment of glee when he gets back in and think "nope, I wasn't exaggerating". During this little conversation with myself I was distracted enough to miss the cause of his frustrated mutter under his breath. I look over and see him turn the key, foot on the clutch, with no resulting purr of engine. A big frustrated sigh from him and a short explanation revealed he left the lights on and the battery is dead. At this point I honestly laughed out loud. Of Course the Battery is Dead! This is a Heather date and really- at this point- WHAT ARE THE ODDS? About this time he seemed to hang his head down in defeat. I pipe in that it isn't that big of a deal. We are walking distance- 5 blocks or so- from my house. I have jumper cables in my car and all will be fine in no time. We get out from the car and start walking and I just feel a dark cloud hanging over him. I laugh and said "I am just glad I'm not the one with the pit in my stomach." He didn't respond well to that- to which I relied "Oh come on! How many perfectly smooth and unmemorable dates have you been on? This is fantastic- an adventure- Sure to be quite memorable for days on end." I got an acknowledgement for that one- but I still don't think he bought into it.
Somehow we managed to get to my car without further incident but by the time we arrived at where the Mini sat all the parking spots next to it where taken (we are parked diagonally on the street). The battery was at the end next to the sidewalk. Again dark stormy cloud begins to reappear... "No problem" I say, "I've got it covered." At which point I pull into a nearby driveway and use it to get to the sidewalk and just drive in downtown Salt Lake up the sidewalk until I can park half on park strip and half sidewalk with the hood of my car kissing the parking meter, just close enough for the cables to reach. (I loved watching people's faces as they walked by.)
In no time the Mini was purring again and I'm ready to back down the sidewalk and return home to end a most memorable date. But he wanted to see me home... The rest of the story is filled with an awkward what do you think of me conversation, a great ex story that trumps any dating story I have in my repertoire, and a final retreat home to end one of the greatest Classic dates I can remember. Before I went to bed I sent him a text which read- Thanks for night out with great stories to go home and tell my roommates about. I'm not sure how that went over...
And there you have it! Hope it put a smile on your face!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
The Sacrament
I am sure the day will come when I again take for granted taking the Sacrament every week for granted. However that day will be far from where I am now. I expect this new employment/schedule will last quite awhile- meaning I only get to take the Sacrament every other week- indefinitely. I never realized how my soul needs and craves that renewal. I have no rational words to explain or even understand what I feel- It just IS. I am nearly in tears by the time the Sacrament reaches me when I am in the chapel. I am grateful to say the least. It is hard to watch the volunteers at work walk past with the trays of bread and water for the patients in the hospital and know that it isn't stopping for me. It seems somewhat of a miracle when I'm at church and the tray stops just for me. Powerful. Our God recognizes us individually! I remember going to Easter Mass one year and they rebaptize the congregation. They walk around flicking water at the congregation in whole and ta dah- you are all rebaptized! Just not the same.
Today I pondered how grateful I am for worthy Priesthood who bless and pass- because without them it wouldn't matter if I was at church on Sunday because the Sacrament would be as inaccessible as is if I was working. Thank you!
Then I began to ponder those whose country- etc- deny the opportunity to participate in the Sacrament- my heart yearned for them. I yearned for their freedom to participate in the ordinances our souls need- because I have learned we DO need it. I offered a sincere prayer with a new heart and desire on behalf of my brothers and sisters in Christ who are in situations where they are denied the Sacrament that the ordinance may be available to all who desire it. I am also grateful for the Atonement to enable people who are denied the sacrament for poor choices to return to its peaceful, nurturing, and uplifting joys.
I am grateful for my new understanding and appreciation. I wish I had a heart that could learn these profound lessons without experiencing them front and center. But, even Christ learned through experience and that is the point of this life... to experience, to KNOW the good from the evil. Therefore, I accept my lot and the experiences that expand my knowledge, increase my wisdom and increase my gratitude. God in his infinite wisdom knows what I need to experience and endure to grow in light and truth. Everyone's path is different but in the end, if we follow Christ we end up in the same place. And that is a great place and the ultimate goal.
Today I pondered how grateful I am for worthy Priesthood who bless and pass- because without them it wouldn't matter if I was at church on Sunday because the Sacrament would be as inaccessible as is if I was working. Thank you!
Then I began to ponder those whose country- etc- deny the opportunity to participate in the Sacrament- my heart yearned for them. I yearned for their freedom to participate in the ordinances our souls need- because I have learned we DO need it. I offered a sincere prayer with a new heart and desire on behalf of my brothers and sisters in Christ who are in situations where they are denied the Sacrament that the ordinance may be available to all who desire it. I am also grateful for the Atonement to enable people who are denied the sacrament for poor choices to return to its peaceful, nurturing, and uplifting joys.
I am grateful for my new understanding and appreciation. I wish I had a heart that could learn these profound lessons without experiencing them front and center. But, even Christ learned through experience and that is the point of this life... to experience, to KNOW the good from the evil. Therefore, I accept my lot and the experiences that expand my knowledge, increase my wisdom and increase my gratitude. God in his infinite wisdom knows what I need to experience and endure to grow in light and truth. Everyone's path is different but in the end, if we follow Christ we end up in the same place. And that is a great place and the ultimate goal.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
I am not feeling particularly witty or narrative this evening. I just returned from a trip to Zion National Park where I hiked the Subway with some "friends". You may question the quotation marks- trust me they were good people- I just didn't know them previously. After 3 days and 2 nights of road trip, camping, hiking- you get to know people. I wanted to go- an opportunity presented itself so I jumped on it. Everything turned out great- except for leaving my purse at the Subway restaurant in Spanish Fork so I had no money, camera, or Book of Mormon for the whole trip. I was the beggar of the trip. The purse was returned in the end so no real harm done- and all debts paid in full. No offense to the group but it just couldn't compare to the Havasupai crowd. I felt i had signed up for somewhat of a reunion for a BYU ward I was not a part of. Beggars can't be choosers and we have already established my beggar status.
I love the red rock of Southern Utah
I don't love eating at Taco Bell
I love hiking
I don't love my knees telling me I am not as young as I used to be
I love Dutch oven dinners
I don't love driving to Southern Utah without air conditioning
I love talking and laughing late at night in a tent
I don't love bug invasions
I love adding to my list of firsts
The Subway is a hot and cold sandwich. A hot hike in the sun to start followed by repelling and swimming through FREEZING water. The kind that your muscles start to loose function because the blood starts retreating to protect the core and resultingly your coordination required more concentration than usual. Hiking in and out of the stream until you reach the actual Subway portion. Before we were able to drive off in the sun I thought my jaw would be sore the next day because my teeth were chattering so bad. But the beauty is spectacular so the mind has some diversion. In this sandwich the hot is the bread on either side. The last few miles practically full sun with switchbacks to top it off. I am grateful for the stairs I take daily at work because the switchbacks full of stairs was pretty easy. (I counted up the stairs I take at work and to go from lower level 2 to the 11th floor is 1008 stairs.) When all was said and done we hiked close to 10 miles and I was ready to change out of my swimsuit.
Pictures are supposed to come out on facebook- when they do I will post some. Otherwise a short day hike to the emerald pools, a drive out to Grafton the ghost town, some games, and a drive through the tunnel sums up the last three days. I give it a "good" rating for a trip.
I love the red rock of Southern Utah
I don't love eating at Taco Bell
I love hiking
I don't love my knees telling me I am not as young as I used to be
I love Dutch oven dinners
I don't love driving to Southern Utah without air conditioning
I love talking and laughing late at night in a tent
I don't love bug invasions
I love adding to my list of firsts
The Subway is a hot and cold sandwich. A hot hike in the sun to start followed by repelling and swimming through FREEZING water. The kind that your muscles start to loose function because the blood starts retreating to protect the core and resultingly your coordination required more concentration than usual. Hiking in and out of the stream until you reach the actual Subway portion. Before we were able to drive off in the sun I thought my jaw would be sore the next day because my teeth were chattering so bad. But the beauty is spectacular so the mind has some diversion. In this sandwich the hot is the bread on either side. The last few miles practically full sun with switchbacks to top it off. I am grateful for the stairs I take daily at work because the switchbacks full of stairs was pretty easy. (I counted up the stairs I take at work and to go from lower level 2 to the 11th floor is 1008 stairs.) When all was said and done we hiked close to 10 miles and I was ready to change out of my swimsuit.
Pictures are supposed to come out on facebook- when they do I will post some. Otherwise a short day hike to the emerald pools, a drive out to Grafton the ghost town, some games, and a drive through the tunnel sums up the last three days. I give it a "good" rating for a trip.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Pondering my situation of having 7 days in a row off every other week is as equally exhilarating as intimidating. It is a weighty responsibility to have that much time available- especially being single where my relative number of responsibilities dictating where I place my time and energy are few. How I best take advantage of the time I have is a frequent source of pondering.
This week I was on the phone discussing my schedule with a new acquaintance. He was duly surprised, as most people are, to discover my “freedom”. He said if I were you I know exactly what I would do. I have so many road trips I want to take. I would be taking every advantage and go explore- starting with… and then he rattled off a bunch of destinations. When I got off the phone I was noticeably unsettled and perhaps even anxious. I had no exciting “get away” planned for this coming week off. I have things to do, but I couldn’t help but ask- Am I wasting my opportunities? Should I be doing more? Am I boring, unadventurous, unprepared, or lack luster? Why don’t I take advantage? Then the fatal- What do people think of me and how I use my time? In my defense, I have yet to have an unproductive, boring, lazy day; yet… Once my mind boarded this train I learned it was an express line to self-doubt. So much so that when I kneeled to pray that night I more specifically pled for guidance with my time. No sooner than I expressed that plea did an answer come- even while I was still praying. (God rarely responds so quickly.) It was a simple thought- “Good, Better, Best” by Elder Oaks. That was it, nothing more- but I didn’t need any more. I then understood my real struggle is with my priorities. I need to know with conviction what my priorities are. Using my priorities to make my decisions I can stand tall in my confidence and defense of my choices. I will be at peace.
I have a “general” understanding of my priorities, but until this point I have not specifically sat down with the purpose to recognize and determine my priorities. Resultingly, I let priorities of others overwhelm me until I noticed the heavy dose of self doubt that joined in on the fun.
So the question remains- What are my priorities? I have discovered this to be a much bigger question than first glance may indicate. Because, in order to truly answer it, a few big brother questions must also be addressed- What do I believe and/or value? Who am I-Heather McOmber- really? and Who do I want to become? These are the twins that must be faced first. But why stop there? I think some younger siblings may also apply in this situation- What do I want to experience? What brings me joy? What is my life path? ALL of these questions are daunting. Fortunately, at least I know I believe in the gospel and I believe the words of the 12 apostles. So during my pondering I turned to the talk I was prompted to consult. Through “Good, Better, Best” I found amazing guidance and clairvoyance cutting through the cobwebs of the world and its messages.
I realize this blog is long- so for the short attention span audience member -I am starting with THE most important for me at this juncture in my life.
“Some young people are amusing themselves to death—spiritual death.”
Wow and wow- that was mind boggling to me. This is exactly what I felt “the world” and my own natural man have been trying to tell me. AMUSE yourself to spiritual death- it will be great! I was so relieved to hear life is not about amusement and it isn’t about the next adventure. I hadn’t realized how much pressure I felt to do something “Fun, cool, or impressive” in an “amusing” framework- because “I can” and others can’t so I “should”. As if it is expected of me. I have to answer the question of what I did on my week off to everyone. I feel I should have some spectacular answer to give. When I read this, I felt a weight fly off and the spirit testify that “Fun” and “Pleasure” are not first priorities. Knowing my priority is not to impress myself or others brought a marvelous feeling of peace. Not that any of these activities are bad in their own place -Elder Oaks stated it well when he said …
“But not everything of that sort is worth the portion of our life we give to obtain it.”
He continues with:
“We should begin by recognizing the reality that just because something is good is not a sufficient reason for doing it. The number of good things we can do far exceeds the time available to accomplish them. Some things are better than good, and these are the things that should command priority attention in our lives. Even though a particular choice is more costly, its far greater value may make it the best choice of all.
We have to forego some good things in order to choose others that are better or best because they develop faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and strengthen our families. Some of our most important choices concern family activities.
President Gordon B. Hinckley has pleaded that we “work at our responsibility as parents as if everything in life counted on it, because in fact everything in life does count on it.”
I thought with 7 days off every other week I would have more than enough time for it ALL. But I learned quickly-no matter what- we live in a finite world. We simply cannot do it all. We must make choices! We must set our priorities! And we must sacrifice! The question is- is what are we willing to Sacrifice.
Through his servant God teaches that developing faith and strengthening families are our first priorities. Although I am not a mother or married- I AM a part of a family. And when you include ward family I am apart of a couple families. My families- in all their forms- need to be on top of my list. Gallivanting the world all the time- no matter how enticing and desirable that may be for me- cannot strengthen my families.
[Currently I am overwhelmed with the size of the book that is forming rather than the blog post that I had originally set out to write. But I’m just not done yet. It is a big topic and one that I need to sort out... so…. I continue.]
The final clip of Elder Oaks talk that hit the nail on the head was about Martha. This will be my 3rd week off in a row God has sent a message to me about Martha. Maybe I need to pay better attention!
Jesus taught this principle in the home of Martha. While she was “cumbered about much serving” (Luke 10:40), her sister, Mary, “sat at Jesus’ feet, and heard his word” (v. 39). When Martha complained that her sister had left her to serve alone, Jesus commended Martha for what she was doing (v. 41) but taught her that “one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her” (v. 42). It was praiseworthy for Martha to be “careful and troubled about many things” (v. 41), but learning the gospel from the Master Teacher was more “needful.” The scriptures contain other teachings that some things are more blessed than others (see Acts 20:35; Alma 32:14–15).
I can say I am a Martha- careful and troubled about many things. BUT… only ONE thing is needful. That is it- nothing else! Coming unto Christ is the one thing. When comparing what is good, better, or best- I know the measuring stick- I know the gold standard, I know what is best. That is all that matters. And this idea of only one thing is needful is hitting home to every aspect of myself. I am in awe of what I can get “worked up” or anxious about. If I compare it to “The One” thing my cares and troubles simply disappear. Granted sometimes it disappearing is in theory. I have to work on letting this new perspective take stronger hold and carry more weight. It is still in infantile state- but with a lot of potential.
Over the week another priority has pushed its way to the surface- Learning, life long learning- both spiritual and secular. Pres Eyring said “We will have to make some hard choices of how we use our time… But remember, you are interested in education, not just for mortal life but for eternal life. It means that we cannot waste time entertaining ourselves when we have the chance to read or to listen to whatever will help us learn what is true and useful. Insatiable curiosity will be our hallmark.”
Elder Hales said “Lifelong learning is essential to the vitality of the human min, body and soul. It enhances self-worth and self-actuation. Lifelong learning is invigoration mentally and is a great defense against aging, depression, and self-doubt.”
So actively engaging in learning is a must whether it is learning a new skill or reading an enlightening book or even studying a new topic. How exciting are these prospects. How about: voice lessons, getting back to my guitar, picking a topic at the library to study, more in- depth scripture study, institute…
Okay- How about a summary?
Priorities are NOT Amusements/time entertaining myself
Priorities ARE: Coming unto Christ in Faith and Study, My Families and Lifelong Learning
I’m going to add to My Priorities- developing gifts and talents, caring for the physical body with exercise and healthy diets, temple work, and keeping a house of order.
D&C 109:8 Organize yourselves; prepare every needful thing, and establish a house, even a house of prayer, a house of fasting, a house of faith, a house of learning, a house of glory, a house of order, a house of God.
Isn’t it interesting how priorities based on God’s will are quiet and humble. I can’t take a picture of my mind to show off to the world the new information and wonders it has acquired with study. But the things of God bring joy, peace, and progression in this life which is the ultimate purpose and how we fulfill our creation. So what are my plans for tomorrow, my very last day off this week? A dance class in the am, a trip to the library to start cracking open some books on the subject of choice in the pm, and nightcapping it off with FHE and some visiting teaching. And I am excited.
This week I was on the phone discussing my schedule with a new acquaintance. He was duly surprised, as most people are, to discover my “freedom”. He said if I were you I know exactly what I would do. I have so many road trips I want to take. I would be taking every advantage and go explore- starting with… and then he rattled off a bunch of destinations. When I got off the phone I was noticeably unsettled and perhaps even anxious. I had no exciting “get away” planned for this coming week off. I have things to do, but I couldn’t help but ask- Am I wasting my opportunities? Should I be doing more? Am I boring, unadventurous, unprepared, or lack luster? Why don’t I take advantage? Then the fatal- What do people think of me and how I use my time? In my defense, I have yet to have an unproductive, boring, lazy day; yet… Once my mind boarded this train I learned it was an express line to self-doubt. So much so that when I kneeled to pray that night I more specifically pled for guidance with my time. No sooner than I expressed that plea did an answer come- even while I was still praying. (God rarely responds so quickly.) It was a simple thought- “Good, Better, Best” by Elder Oaks. That was it, nothing more- but I didn’t need any more. I then understood my real struggle is with my priorities. I need to know with conviction what my priorities are. Using my priorities to make my decisions I can stand tall in my confidence and defense of my choices. I will be at peace.
I have a “general” understanding of my priorities, but until this point I have not specifically sat down with the purpose to recognize and determine my priorities. Resultingly, I let priorities of others overwhelm me until I noticed the heavy dose of self doubt that joined in on the fun.
So the question remains- What are my priorities? I have discovered this to be a much bigger question than first glance may indicate. Because, in order to truly answer it, a few big brother questions must also be addressed- What do I believe and/or value? Who am I-Heather McOmber- really? and Who do I want to become? These are the twins that must be faced first. But why stop there? I think some younger siblings may also apply in this situation- What do I want to experience? What brings me joy? What is my life path? ALL of these questions are daunting. Fortunately, at least I know I believe in the gospel and I believe the words of the 12 apostles. So during my pondering I turned to the talk I was prompted to consult. Through “Good, Better, Best” I found amazing guidance and clairvoyance cutting through the cobwebs of the world and its messages.
I realize this blog is long- so for the short attention span audience member -I am starting with THE most important for me at this juncture in my life.
“Some young people are amusing themselves to death—spiritual death.”
Wow and wow- that was mind boggling to me. This is exactly what I felt “the world” and my own natural man have been trying to tell me. AMUSE yourself to spiritual death- it will be great! I was so relieved to hear life is not about amusement and it isn’t about the next adventure. I hadn’t realized how much pressure I felt to do something “Fun, cool, or impressive” in an “amusing” framework- because “I can” and others can’t so I “should”. As if it is expected of me. I have to answer the question of what I did on my week off to everyone. I feel I should have some spectacular answer to give. When I read this, I felt a weight fly off and the spirit testify that “Fun” and “Pleasure” are not first priorities. Knowing my priority is not to impress myself or others brought a marvelous feeling of peace. Not that any of these activities are bad in their own place -Elder Oaks stated it well when he said …
“But not everything of that sort is worth the portion of our life we give to obtain it.”
He continues with:
“We should begin by recognizing the reality that just because something is good is not a sufficient reason for doing it. The number of good things we can do far exceeds the time available to accomplish them. Some things are better than good, and these are the things that should command priority attention in our lives. Even though a particular choice is more costly, its far greater value may make it the best choice of all.
We have to forego some good things in order to choose others that are better or best because they develop faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and strengthen our families. Some of our most important choices concern family activities.
President Gordon B. Hinckley has pleaded that we “work at our responsibility as parents as if everything in life counted on it, because in fact everything in life does count on it.”
I thought with 7 days off every other week I would have more than enough time for it ALL. But I learned quickly-no matter what- we live in a finite world. We simply cannot do it all. We must make choices! We must set our priorities! And we must sacrifice! The question is- is what are we willing to Sacrifice.
Through his servant God teaches that developing faith and strengthening families are our first priorities. Although I am not a mother or married- I AM a part of a family. And when you include ward family I am apart of a couple families. My families- in all their forms- need to be on top of my list. Gallivanting the world all the time- no matter how enticing and desirable that may be for me- cannot strengthen my families.
[Currently I am overwhelmed with the size of the book that is forming rather than the blog post that I had originally set out to write. But I’m just not done yet. It is a big topic and one that I need to sort out... so…. I continue.]
The final clip of Elder Oaks talk that hit the nail on the head was about Martha. This will be my 3rd week off in a row God has sent a message to me about Martha. Maybe I need to pay better attention!
Jesus taught this principle in the home of Martha. While she was “cumbered about much serving” (Luke 10:40), her sister, Mary, “sat at Jesus’ feet, and heard his word” (v. 39). When Martha complained that her sister had left her to serve alone, Jesus commended Martha for what she was doing (v. 41) but taught her that “one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her” (v. 42). It was praiseworthy for Martha to be “careful and troubled about many things” (v. 41), but learning the gospel from the Master Teacher was more “needful.” The scriptures contain other teachings that some things are more blessed than others (see Acts 20:35; Alma 32:14–15).
I can say I am a Martha- careful and troubled about many things. BUT… only ONE thing is needful. That is it- nothing else! Coming unto Christ is the one thing. When comparing what is good, better, or best- I know the measuring stick- I know the gold standard, I know what is best. That is all that matters. And this idea of only one thing is needful is hitting home to every aspect of myself. I am in awe of what I can get “worked up” or anxious about. If I compare it to “The One” thing my cares and troubles simply disappear. Granted sometimes it disappearing is in theory. I have to work on letting this new perspective take stronger hold and carry more weight. It is still in infantile state- but with a lot of potential.
Over the week another priority has pushed its way to the surface- Learning, life long learning- both spiritual and secular. Pres Eyring said “We will have to make some hard choices of how we use our time… But remember, you are interested in education, not just for mortal life but for eternal life. It means that we cannot waste time entertaining ourselves when we have the chance to read or to listen to whatever will help us learn what is true and useful. Insatiable curiosity will be our hallmark.”
Elder Hales said “Lifelong learning is essential to the vitality of the human min, body and soul. It enhances self-worth and self-actuation. Lifelong learning is invigoration mentally and is a great defense against aging, depression, and self-doubt.”
So actively engaging in learning is a must whether it is learning a new skill or reading an enlightening book or even studying a new topic. How exciting are these prospects. How about: voice lessons, getting back to my guitar, picking a topic at the library to study, more in- depth scripture study, institute…
Okay- How about a summary?
Priorities are NOT Amusements/time entertaining myself
Priorities ARE: Coming unto Christ in Faith and Study, My Families and Lifelong Learning
I’m going to add to My Priorities- developing gifts and talents, caring for the physical body with exercise and healthy diets, temple work, and keeping a house of order.
D&C 109:8 Organize yourselves; prepare every needful thing, and establish a house, even a house of prayer, a house of fasting, a house of faith, a house of learning, a house of glory, a house of order, a house of God.
Isn’t it interesting how priorities based on God’s will are quiet and humble. I can’t take a picture of my mind to show off to the world the new information and wonders it has acquired with study. But the things of God bring joy, peace, and progression in this life which is the ultimate purpose and how we fulfill our creation. So what are my plans for tomorrow, my very last day off this week? A dance class in the am, a trip to the library to start cracking open some books on the subject of choice in the pm, and nightcapping it off with FHE and some visiting teaching. And I am excited.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Prevention is the Best Medicine
I have now been working at the hospital on the trauma floors for 4 months. Before I become so accustomed to what I see on a daily basis, I want to put in writing some thoughts.
NO good comes with drugs or alcohol. I am amazed everyday at work when I am performing chart reviews how many of my patients lives are forever altered for worse because of it. Falling/jumping out of balconies, playing chicken crossing the road, drunk driving - car or motorcycle, liver failure (and you just didn't notice you were becoming the same shade as an Oompa Loompa?), stabbings, shootings, beatings by any numerous blunt object- (brick, bat, etc), falling down the stairs... The list continues to grow every week. The outcome ranges from death, worse than death (alive but most would have chosen death instead of this outcome), alive with potential- but a long road of years of rehab, sacrifice, pain, hard work, and you'll never be the same, to broken but full recovery- and lesson not learned. But it isn't only their life- family, friends, and even hospital staff are all affected-and it spirals outward because frequently they cause harm upon others as well as themselves. Many times I have had to tune out the wailing sobs from family as they see their loved one for the first time "since" or last time "since".
So many resources go to cleaning up and caring for these PREVENTABLE tragedies that it boggles my mind. Easily millions upon millions of dollars and thousands upon thousands of hours every year. This has naturally led me to ponder how and where these resources could be utilized if we could give up those two vices. I am rendered speechless because there is sooo much good we could accomplish. I am in awe of the prophet Joseph, the Word of Wisdom and God. It is truly the path of happiness. I also understand better D&C 104:17 "The earth is full and there is enough and to spare."
I came across an archived Music and the Spoken Word that elegantly stated much of what I have been musing. Not just about alcohol and drugs but prevention of suffering in general. I would call it a philosophy on "How to Live". This is how I want to live- and gratefully- do live.
"There is much to be said concerning the process of prevention, but in general it should be said that it is less costly to prevent than it is to try to mend or correct or cure—to prevent disease; to prevent regrets; to prevent broken hearts and broken homes; to prevent bankruptcy and going too deeply into debt; to prevent the consequences that follow when we fail to do what we should do. We would well remember that men were meant to be healthy and happy, physically, mentally, morally. And what we think, what we do, what we eat and drink, what we learn, and how we live are all part of the process. And why deliberately do anything—ever—that we know we’ll be sorry for? Why run against the laws of life? against conscience? Why run headlong into ill health and unhappiness? Why not prevent all the mistakes and ill health and unhappiness we can? The science of medicine has taught us much—much more than we use. The rules of safety have taught us much more than we use. The experience of the past, the conventions of society, have taught us much more than we use or pay attention to. The commandments of God can teach us much, but now we try to tell ourselves they are outdated and old-fashioned. The best remedy is first to recognize causes rather than merely try to run away from consequences. If we don’t want the physical penalties and remorse of immorality, we’d better stay away from immorality. If we don’t want the embarrassment and difficulties of debt, we’d better not let ourselves be led more deeply into debt. If we don’t want ill health and unhappiness, we’d better do our best to learn to live the laws of health and happiness. Some things we simply cannot ignore without realizing results—and among them are the commandments, the laws of life, and the physical and moral facts. In the process of prevention we should face up to what we should do, more than what we wish we hadn’t done. And instead of trying so hard to teach our young people how to get out of some things, we well would teach them how not to get into them."
NO good comes with drugs or alcohol. I am amazed everyday at work when I am performing chart reviews how many of my patients lives are forever altered for worse because of it. Falling/jumping out of balconies, playing chicken crossing the road, drunk driving - car or motorcycle, liver failure (and you just didn't notice you were becoming the same shade as an Oompa Loompa?), stabbings, shootings, beatings by any numerous blunt object- (brick, bat, etc), falling down the stairs... The list continues to grow every week. The outcome ranges from death, worse than death (alive but most would have chosen death instead of this outcome), alive with potential- but a long road of years of rehab, sacrifice, pain, hard work, and you'll never be the same, to broken but full recovery- and lesson not learned. But it isn't only their life- family, friends, and even hospital staff are all affected-and it spirals outward because frequently they cause harm upon others as well as themselves. Many times I have had to tune out the wailing sobs from family as they see their loved one for the first time "since" or last time "since".
So many resources go to cleaning up and caring for these PREVENTABLE tragedies that it boggles my mind. Easily millions upon millions of dollars and thousands upon thousands of hours every year. This has naturally led me to ponder how and where these resources could be utilized if we could give up those two vices. I am rendered speechless because there is sooo much good we could accomplish. I am in awe of the prophet Joseph, the Word of Wisdom and God. It is truly the path of happiness. I also understand better D&C 104:17 "The earth is full and there is enough and to spare."
I came across an archived Music and the Spoken Word that elegantly stated much of what I have been musing. Not just about alcohol and drugs but prevention of suffering in general. I would call it a philosophy on "How to Live". This is how I want to live- and gratefully- do live.
"There is much to be said concerning the process of prevention, but in general it should be said that it is less costly to prevent than it is to try to mend or correct or cure—to prevent disease; to prevent regrets; to prevent broken hearts and broken homes; to prevent bankruptcy and going too deeply into debt; to prevent the consequences that follow when we fail to do what we should do. We would well remember that men were meant to be healthy and happy, physically, mentally, morally. And what we think, what we do, what we eat and drink, what we learn, and how we live are all part of the process. And why deliberately do anything—ever—that we know we’ll be sorry for? Why run against the laws of life? against conscience? Why run headlong into ill health and unhappiness? Why not prevent all the mistakes and ill health and unhappiness we can? The science of medicine has taught us much—much more than we use. The rules of safety have taught us much more than we use. The experience of the past, the conventions of society, have taught us much more than we use or pay attention to. The commandments of God can teach us much, but now we try to tell ourselves they are outdated and old-fashioned. The best remedy is first to recognize causes rather than merely try to run away from consequences. If we don’t want the physical penalties and remorse of immorality, we’d better stay away from immorality. If we don’t want the embarrassment and difficulties of debt, we’d better not let ourselves be led more deeply into debt. If we don’t want ill health and unhappiness, we’d better do our best to learn to live the laws of health and happiness. Some things we simply cannot ignore without realizing results—and among them are the commandments, the laws of life, and the physical and moral facts. In the process of prevention we should face up to what we should do, more than what we wish we hadn’t done. And instead of trying so hard to teach our young people how to get out of some things, we well would teach them how not to get into them."
Monday, August 17, 2009
Ward Camp Out
Does it get any better than playing together?
Only by embarrassing yourselves together!
Ward Camp Out Extravaganza
It was supposed to be a picture of the tables of people... but it turned out to be a picture of the back of Fransico's head.
Some of the ward leadership including the bishop-- Eagles
"You can't hide your lying eyes"
I was surprised how many people had never heard this song before.
It topped off my limit of public humiliation and ended my dancing for the night-
But it was- Fun...?
It wouldn't have been too bad if we weren't the ONLY ones in front of EVERYONE
Love those girls-
Yes- she did sing Earl had to Die by the Dixie Chicks!
Maybe my favorite part of the night- after all the crazy fun- starlight guitar and singing
Oh and John played "my song" for me- Slow Dancing.
I think the ward camp out is officially one of my favorite activities! Great people- good food- beautiful location- What more can one want? Well I could have wanted to wake up in time for breakfast and the morning devotional! I was frustrated most the day because I missed it all. Working every other week/Sunday I miss out on a lot- both socially and spiritually with the ward. So I really look forward to such things. Well I didn't hear anyone that morning because I was sleeping up above most people and well- I missed it all! So my pictures are only from the crazy night before of dancing, karaoke, and the guitar jam. It rained on and off lightly that night but right as everyone was packing up it started to hail and the crack of thunder almost knocked you off your feet. I was grateful for Riley, Anna, and Hannah who noticed I was a bit behind and with the hail I could use a hand taking down the tent. And just like that it was all over. And I was very hungry by the time I got home.
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