Monday, May 26, 2008

Miracle-The Stork Finally Arrived

Introducing Clara Rae McOmber

My brother David and his wife Anginette say they were expecting for 1 1/2 years. That is how long they had their adoptions papers finished. 1 1/2 years is a long time to have a nursery finished and waiting... Friday morning they received a call- a baby girl born that morning in Michigan needed a home. They were on the first flight out Saturday morning. This story is quite fitting for my blog because so many things just "happened" to make it all possible... truly what are the odds? Evidence that the Lord is working in our lives even though sometimes we can't see it until it is right in front of us.

Last year my brother graduated from Michigan with his Masters in nursing and moved to Utah shortly after. They happened to never get around to changing their phone number... A couple months ago I was visiting Anginette and happened to mention she needed to get on facebook, in fact I sat her down and supervised her doing it... One of David's friends from school happened to recently find him on facebook and see he was still trying to adopt... oh, and she happens to be a labor and delivery nurse in Detroit now.

6 weeks ago Clara's birth mother discovered she was pregnant (don't ask-- how she didn't figure it out sooner is a mystery to us too). At 42 already having children and not knowing the father's name she was not attached to this baby. She changed her mind on the hospital to give birth and happened to choose the one David's friend worked at- who happened to be working the morning she gave birth. She had Dave's phone number because they never got around to changing it and called as soon as the baby was born. As a result, within 24 hrs Dave and Anginette were with their new baby- with the help of their previous Michigan social worker and nurses defending the placement of the baby. If all goes well they could be back here in 2 weeks after going through all the courts to make it official. The whole family is excited to say the least. And Jody is already making plans for her first new cousin...

For more pictures you can link to Dave and Anginette's blog on my side bar.

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