Wednesday, May 7, 2008

I Found Jack!!

Diego Gonzalez legally immigrated to the United States from Venezuela when he was 12. I met him early November 2006 on a blind date. The fact that we was a) willing to go to a modern dance concert, b) enjoyed it, and c) intelligent conversation about the performance followed, earned him a second date. Through some persistence on his part- that second date turned into a few more... We were exclusively dating before I knew what was happening. Now, I just wonder why/ how that happened-- but I think given my excellent track history-- I was just happy to find someone who was a college graduate, RM, legal, non-polygamist, no children, who respected me, and who I could have an intelligent conversation with (no lie- sadly enough, is there any wonder why I am slightly cynical and jaded about dating). Have you ever heard the saying -"you come to love what or whom you serve"? Well I found that to be true. Not too long after we started dating, Diego had a Bankart repair (shoulder surgery). Not fun, painful and initially rather debilitating- giving me ample opportunities to serve. Not to mention the free physical therapy I gave to rehab his shoulder. Then there was the time he mixed cleaners cleaning his bathroom... instead of a night out, we had a night in the ER for his pleural effusion. In the end, I was taking care of him- frequently. But at the time it was fine- it brought us close-- fast. For Christmas that year I was going home to Cali. It had been a long time since I had a California Christmas and was excited. On Christmas Eve I had an early Christmas present... Diego showed up at my parents house to spend Christmas with me and my family. (He had coordinated the whole thing with my parents.) I was shocked-- but I realized- happy, that progressed the relationship even more (for me). The following weekend we were in Boise to spend New Year's with his friends. The week after that he said he needed a few days to himself. The week after that... he needed a couple months to work through things and didn't want me to be caught up in it and wait around while he got things straight. Leading me to believe if I wait he'd be back. Two weeks after that... I'm at a BYU men's volleyball game (a favorite activity of Diego, my roommates, and I) and he walks in holding some girl's hand and then sits and snuggles up with her. (I haven't been back to a game since.) Apparently, she was the thing he needed a couple of months to figure out. Not my favorite memory. As a result, Diego has a special honor. He stands as the only boy I have ever burned anything after a break-up. I was probably not in the best state of mind when I put a match to the trash can containing things pertaining to him, but fortunately, the flames from the bon fire I created put some sense into my head and nothing but what I intended to burn- burned. I also deleted all pictures off my computer and camera. But... the Jack Johnson CDs... those I had to keep. But the problem was he burned them for me, his handwriting was on them, and they had the songs that he sang and played on his guitar for me. I am sentimental- I admit it. So I hid them. With the intent that I could find them when I was ready... That was about a year and a half ago. Guess what I found today... Jack!!! I was soooo happy. I have been waiting to stumble upon those CDs for ages. I love Jack. My commute to work rarely is so enjoyable as it was today. Diego married that girl long time ago. Personally, I haven't dated (or kissed for that matter) anyone since. Not that I am traumatized... it's just not worth it (yet).


Anonymous said...

boo for Diego. And hooray for Jack! Everything is better with a guy who plays the ukulele.

Anonymous said...

By the way, a really good breakup Mix is said to be required by all singles. It is quite cathartic to make and then to wail away with after. I hear it you know it is done with the music no longer evokes the same deep passion (you need some blues, some fist waving rock and some cry me a river...)

But second best is to love again the songs that were great before and great again.