Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Good Morning!

I woke this morning to a beautiful spring snow storm. Perfect! Why perfect? Because whenever there is a snow storm I think about the best thing I could do is cuddle up in a blanket in the front room with a cup of hot cocoa, a book to read/something quiet to do and have the curtains open so I can watch as the snow filters down from the sky. Like powdered sugar shifted through a sieve over a homemade delight. And guess what today's plan was? Read, ponder and write in hopes of gaining some perspective, clarity, and peace within myself. Finally a day when the weather and my activity match. When does that ever happen?
I was getting all set of for my day before I permanently affixed myself to the couch when a most unexpected twist occurred. I was still in my PJ's when I ran down to put a letter in the mail slot, it was cold outside and not wanting to let the cold air into the upper part of the house I closed the door before I opened the outside door to send my mail. Oooops! The door was still locked when I closed it and I nice and neatly "stucked" myself in the entryway. It was wet, cold and snowy outside, the door inside was locked, I had no keys, no phone, no shoes, and forgive me for admitting to public- no bra. I was in my PJ's and socks trapped between the wet cold snow and a locked upstairs. Humorous yes. But painful tragic at the same time. There was one hope in this story- Kristin was still home and hadn't left for work yet. But she was in her room upstairs and couldn't hear the doorbell- trust me I rang it often in the time I spent huddled in the entryway. I left the front front door open allowing all the warm air out because I had to catch Kristin going to her car from the back door for work because if I wasn't quick enough and missed her then I had a whole day to freeze in the entryway. I wasn't about to walk in a freezing wet snow storm dressed as mentioned above to the church history building and ask for Emily Utt or Anya Bybee as a drowned frozen homeless rat to get a key to get inside again. So there I was ringing and ringing the doorbell getting colder and colder as the minutes ticked by. To pass the time I picked up the broom we keep there and swept it out and bagged the mail rejects we keep there and tried to tidy things up. That was working well for me until I moved the broom back a little too far in my sweeping and caught my knuckles against the brick- tearing the skin right off. So now I am numb toed, shoeless, braless, locked out and BLEEDING. I mostly laughed off the ridiculousness of the situation and set myself to endlessly ringing the doorbell and stepping out to peer around the corner to see if Kristin's car was still there and hopefully catch her running off to work. 1/2 hour passes, 45 min passes and my toes are getting hard to move. I started running in place more fervently trying to maintain some body heat- which we all know is practically impossible for me to do. Well I thought it was only impossible for me to maintain body heat but as it turns out both running in place and maintaining body heat are impossible for me. While running I managed to clip my knee full force on the corner of the open door and create an instant change in skin color and an instant change in the shape of my knee- apparently it wasn't convex enough. (it is still tender for me to bend my knee) As much as I wanted to laugh at that too- I ended up just crying. Locked out from my own stupidity, bleeding knuckles, hypothermic toes, bruised throbbing knee, unsuitably dressed for public or the weather, ringing doorbell with no avail and entirely unsure how or when this moment of mortality would be over I just couldn't hold back the tears.
At this point I was seriously starting to consider my options- just how humiliating and perhaps risky would it be to walk in socks and PJ's to the church history library in this weather-and how much colder could I stand to get- the water was beginning to freeze on the handrail of the porch. Fortunately before my musings became too desperate Kristine managed to hear one of my endless peels of the doorbell and opened the door to rescue me. I was not nearly as gracious as I wish I had been but I was truly thankful she came to rescue me as I dived into the shower to warm up and rescue my toes. I really don't know how long I was stuck- it was between 45 min and an hour. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how I started my day. Good Morning!

1 comment:

SRA said...

Good heavenly Lord!