Monday, April 6, 2009

Monday Musings

First of all I need to state- proud to be a Tar Heel! They dominated the whole game. With 2 minutes left in the game and a 16 point spread- I'm not biting my nails.
I was chatting with Amy Evans online about an upcoming date- she made a comment that I have to share- "hmmm... that thin line between honesty and weird." Inspired by my confliction between appreciating honesty and not appreciating, how ever disguised by joking, the hopes of a make-out session for a first date activity. Ahh, the life of a single- isn't it grand!
I spent Friday night with Dave, Anginette, and little miss Clara, and Sunday with Tim, Andrea and the kids. I love that I am so close to my brothers and their families. I love that I'm just as close with my sisters-laws. How did I get so lucky? On Sunday I asked Jacob if he was a crazy silly boy and he replied a resounding "YES!!!". It was great. Later that Sunday while I watched Tim and Heather Kenna they taught me a lesson. Heather Kenna astounds me, she is a red head in every sense. She was crawling toward Tim and stopped 2 or 3 feet away from him, sat down and started to howl. She had decided she had gone far enough, made enough of an effort and was done. Dad was just going to have to come to her. Tim held out his hand and waited patiently- he wasn't far and she was more than capable. But she refused- she had decided her efforts were enough and if Dad loved her he would finish it for her. I saw myself reflected in this scenario. But with my Heavenly Father. How many times have I decided that I have put forth enough effort and sit down and wait for him to do the rest when all I have to do is crawl a little farther and he will swing me up into his arms? Anyway- just a thought I wanted to capture before it was gone. I am crazy tired so "that's all folks!"

1 comment:

Thinker said...

Heather, I love your analogy with Heavenly Father and you. Keep writing! (Lena)