Sunday, June 22, 2008

Home Sweet Home

There is nothing quite like going home for the soul. I am so grateful I have such a home to draw upon. Home means so many things- it is amazing how much one word can contain. And Home, with all it's meanings, is different for every person. While home, my mom and I were window shopping in a boutique. There was a wall hanging that read "To come home is to find yourself with those who put your heart at ease". I thought that summed it up perfectly. (Although sometimes it is a place as well.) I have written already about a piece of my sense of home- the air. There is so much more. Along the journey from the airport there are many milestones along the way which bring me home. A few include the Golden Gate Bridge, the Bay, rolling hills with oak trees, no billboards in Santa Rosa, wineries (everywhere), 1512 Owl Light Pl, fresh flowers cut from the yard in a vase by my bed (my mom is amazing), morning fog, and an evening breeze. I got off the bus at the Double Tree Inn in Rohnert Park and sat at the outside patio to wait for my mom to pick me up-- and what did I see?

Well- grapes of course. Plus- plants everywhere...

I never knew until I left that I came from one of the most beautiful places on earth. In all my traveling, I have found it hard to beat. Not that I don't love my parents- but I frequently ask them not to move. I said they at least have to wait until I 'm married... at the time I didn't realize that was the best way to guarantee them staying.

I started by visiting Dad at work. Lemo USA- not exactly his favorite. But how many people get to work in a building that looks like a space ship or R2D2?

The rest of my time there was doing as little as possible (for me). I slept in, ran, basked in the sun (resulting in a sunburn which is currently pealing), read, dined on the back deck (no longer "the" deck because my dad is currently building an additional deck off the side of the house- what can't my parents do?), and went to my favorite places (including Perry's Deli- where I left Mom waiting for me in the car while I watched the 18th hole of the US Open between Rocco and Tiger- and the Juice Shack).

Believe me- I quickly traded my pants and socks for shorts and flashy red toenails.

For father's day I baked a cake- it was one of my best. I really do like to bake- too bad baking doesn't produce the healthiest of products.

I think I ate at least half of that myself. Please appreciate the beautiful pottery- my dad has made all of those plates and bowels.

Monday we went to the beach. For me going to the beach is not as much the destination as the journey. Don't miss understand me- I love the sand between my toes- but if you were to drive Occidental road on your way out to the coast you would understand. I had my camera with me but I realized I could never capture the experience- it almost seemed like a crime to try. I chose to not miss it by looking behind a lens. Try to imagine- a two lane road winding the back roads weaving in between orchards, pastures, creeks, redwood trees, wildflowers and ferns, perfectly lined vines becoming heavy with grapes, bright blue sky, warm sun all leading to a rougher hillside with the wind bearing the unmistakable scent of the ocean. A quaint town with as much authenticity and character as anywhere you might find.

A bit of charm from Occidental

Just someone's backyard...

The Ocean is just to top it all off-

The sand felt so good- soft and warm against the cold ocean "breeze".

California Poppy

I spent some time remembering how much I enjoy playing the piano- wishing I was rich enough to buy one. I love things in life that I have no pressure to excel at- I can do it just because of the joy of it. I am finding myself more and more at peace with that concept. Life is just too short to be good at everything. Another activity along those lines is sewing. I admit it- I enjoy sewing (small easy tasks). Mom and I took up a project of sewing my own retro apron. It is the latest craze you know... It was fun. We took a couple "candid" photos.

I mean really- how much cuter can you get- especially considering we did it without a pattern. (We thought $15 for a pattern was a bit excessive.)

Before I knew it- it was time to get back on the Airport Express and head home. It was just barely long enough. Least I am remiss- I must mention a highlight always- going to church and seeing the faces I grew up with. I feel so much love from those that watched over and cared for me- teaching me the gospel by word and as living examples. They are truly sincere when they ask about my life and say how happy they are to see me.
Home reminds me of who I am. It is a place where I am good enough, smart enough and I don't have to prove anything. I came home because I needed to hit the reset button. There is no better place and I received exactly what I was looking for.


Anonymous said... when are we going to visit? It sounds wonderful!

Robin said...

It looks beautiful there...I'm glad you had such a nice vacation!

Anonymous said...

We Loved having you home, wish you could come more and stay longer.
Home is really only a place without the family to make it a home.

Anonymous said...

Heather ,dear one, My first experience with a "blog" and what an intro it was to read yours and WOW what pictures they are , Such a beauty! I'd like you on my walls too. But then I have you in my heart and that is even better. You know what else I discovered? You are a writer!!YES. You must consider writing as more than a hobby. I really liked the at home visit remembering. In remembering remember how much I truly love you, always have always will!!
GMa Mac.