Monday, March 31, 2008

The Quest for Joy

This is to be the first of many stream of conscious entries. Something about how my brain works... I have had many ideas for blog entries- for various reasons, but right now, none of them seem appropriate to write about tonight. So for what it's worth, here are the thoughts of the night.
Disappointment is difficult to process effectively regardless of the cause. I believe however, disappointment as a result of another's actions is among the more challenging causes to come to terms with. The helplessness and powerlessness to change the course of another's actions which inflict pain is universally awful. It is easy to get caught up in events that you have no control over and let it eat at you one piece at a time. I wish I understood why it is so much easier to dwell in the negative than the positive. And yet, we are instructed to have faith and trust in the Lord and everything will work out. Sounds easy... but the practical application is where the rubber hits the road. I wish to become someone who is able to experience life graciously and gratefully. Obtain qualities of true character. A line from the novel Les Mis- "If you are leaving that sorrowful place with hate and anger against men, you are worthy of compassion; if you leave it with goodwill, gentleness, and peace, you are better than any of us." I wonder... how much of the pain we have in life is a choice to hurt? Can we choose another way? Surely initial injury is painful- but do we nurse it along- feed it even? And what purpose does that serve? As a physical therapist I see many injuries and have learned a lot about the healing process. Physical and emotional pain are very similar. 1. Doing nothing and waiting for it to get better rarely works. 2. It isn't easy- it takes a conscious effort- work and sometimes more pain during the process. 3. Professional guidance can save a lot of time. 4. Enlisting the aid of the Divine goes a long way- (which may be the same as number 3). I can't tell you how many times I have prayed for inspiration to know how to help a patient. 5. It often takes longer than you think. 6. Set backs are normal and to be expected. 7. The freedom from injury is worth it in the end. The atonement of Christ promises us freedom from burdens- and yet I at times I choose to carry them along rather than entrust them to Him. I mean really- what is that all about? Please, let me carry pain, bitterness, fear... with me forever- I don't want to have freedom, joy, love and peace. And so I am back to my daffodils- it is hard to move forward when you can't see how it will all work out in the end and therefore- because I can't see it or understand it- I sit down in the middle of the road and refuse to move. Or perhaps at times I can see it and it looks too hard/ too much. Can I really trust I will make it and will it all be worth it in the end? I propose (even to myself) that it is all possible and worth it. We can't escape life without disappointment and pain- end of story. So, maybe I should be grateful for the opportunities disappoint give to learn how to change pain into joy. You cannot know joy until you have left sorrow. What more can one ask for in life than joy? Joy is the greatest quest of all.

1 comment:

The McKameys said...

My goodness, I am loving your bloggy thoughtiness.