Pondering my situation of having 7 days in a row off every other week is as equally exhilarating as intimidating. It is a weighty responsibility to have that much time available- especially being single where my relative number of responsibilities dictating where I place my time and energy are few. How I best take advantage of the time I have is a frequent source of pondering.
This week I was on the phone discussing my schedule with a new acquaintance. He was duly surprised, as most people are, to discover my “freedom”. He said if I were you I know exactly what I would do. I have so many road trips I want to take. I would be taking every advantage and go explore- starting with… and then he rattled off a bunch of destinations. When I got off the phone I was noticeably unsettled and perhaps even anxious. I had no exciting “get away” planned for this coming week off. I have things to do, but I couldn’t help but ask- Am I wasting my opportunities? Should I be doing more? Am I boring, unadventurous, unprepared, or lack luster? Why don’t I take advantage? Then the fatal- What do people think of me and how I use my time? In my defense, I have yet to have an unproductive, boring, lazy day; yet… Once my mind boarded this train I learned it was an express line to self-doubt. So much so that when I kneeled to pray that night I more specifically pled for guidance with my time. No sooner than I expressed that plea did an answer come- even while I was still praying. (God rarely responds so quickly.) It was a simple thought- “Good, Better, Best” by Elder Oaks. That was it, nothing more- but I didn’t need any more. I then understood my real struggle is with my priorities. I need to know with conviction what my priorities are. Using my priorities to make my decisions I can stand tall in my confidence and defense of my choices. I will be at peace.
I have a “general” understanding of my priorities, but until this point I have not specifically sat down with the purpose to recognize and determine my priorities. Resultingly, I let priorities of others overwhelm me until I noticed the heavy dose of self doubt that joined in on the fun.
So the question remains- What are my priorities? I have discovered this to be a much bigger question than first glance may indicate. Because, in order to truly answer it, a few big brother questions must also be addressed- What do I believe and/or value? Who am I-Heather McOmber- really? and Who do I want to become? These are the twins that must be faced first. But why stop there? I think some younger siblings may also apply in this situation- What do I want to experience? What brings me joy? What is my life path? ALL of these questions are daunting. Fortunately, at least I know I believe in the gospel and I believe the words of the 12 apostles. So during my pondering I turned to the talk I was prompted to consult. Through “Good, Better, Best” I found amazing guidance and clairvoyance cutting through the cobwebs of the world and its messages.
I realize this blog is long- so for the short attention span audience member -I am starting with THE most important for me at this juncture in my life.
“Some young people are amusing themselves to death—spiritual death.”
Wow and wow- that was mind boggling to me. This is exactly what I felt “the world” and my own natural man have been trying to tell me. AMUSE yourself to spiritual death- it will be great! I was so relieved to hear life is not about amusement and it isn’t about the next adventure. I hadn’t realized how much pressure I felt to do something “Fun, cool, or impressive” in an “amusing” framework- because “I can” and others can’t so I “should”. As if it is expected of me. I have to answer the question of what I did on my week off to everyone. I feel I should have some spectacular answer to give. When I read this, I felt a weight fly off and the spirit testify that “Fun” and “Pleasure” are not first priorities. Knowing my priority is not to impress myself or others brought a marvelous feeling of peace. Not that any of these activities are bad in their own place -Elder Oaks stated it well when he said …
“But not everything of that sort is worth the portion of our life we give to obtain it.”
He continues with:
“We should begin by recognizing the reality that just because something is good is not a sufficient reason for doing it. The number of good things we can do far exceeds the time available to accomplish them. Some things are better than good, and these are the things that should command priority attention in our lives. Even though a particular choice is more costly, its far greater value may make it the best choice of all.
We have to forego some good things in order to choose others that are better or best because they develop faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and strengthen our families. Some of our most important choices concern family activities.
President Gordon B. Hinckley has pleaded that we “work at our responsibility as parents as if everything in life counted on it, because in fact everything in life does count on it.”
I thought with 7 days off every other week I would have more than enough time for it ALL. But I learned quickly-no matter what- we live in a finite world. We simply cannot do it all. We must make choices! We must set our priorities! And we must sacrifice! The question is- is what are we willing to Sacrifice.
Through his servant God teaches that developing faith and strengthening families are our first priorities. Although I am not a mother or married- I AM a part of a family. And when you include ward family I am apart of a couple families. My families- in all their forms- need to be on top of my list. Gallivanting the world all the time- no matter how enticing and desirable that may be for me- cannot strengthen my families.
[Currently I am overwhelmed with the size of the book that is forming rather than the blog post that I had originally set out to write. But I’m just not done yet. It is a big topic and one that I need to sort out... so…. I continue.]
The final clip of Elder Oaks talk that hit the nail on the head was about Martha. This will be my 3rd week off in a row God has sent a message to me about Martha. Maybe I need to pay better attention!
Jesus taught this principle in the home of Martha. While she was “cumbered about much serving” (Luke 10:40), her sister, Mary, “sat at Jesus’ feet, and heard his word” (v. 39). When Martha complained that her sister had left her to serve alone, Jesus commended Martha for what she was doing (v. 41) but taught her that “one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her” (v. 42). It was praiseworthy for Martha to be “careful and troubled about many things” (v. 41), but learning the gospel from the Master Teacher was more “needful.” The scriptures contain other teachings that some things are more blessed than others (see Acts 20:35; Alma 32:14–15).
I can say I am a Martha- careful and troubled about many things. BUT… only ONE thing is needful. That is it- nothing else! Coming unto Christ is the one thing. When comparing what is good, better, or best- I know the measuring stick- I know the gold standard, I know what is best. That is all that matters. And this idea of only one thing is needful is hitting home to every aspect of myself. I am in awe of what I can get “worked up” or anxious about. If I compare it to “The One” thing my cares and troubles simply disappear. Granted sometimes it disappearing is in theory. I have to work on letting this new perspective take stronger hold and carry more weight. It is still in infantile state- but with a lot of potential.
Over the week another priority has pushed its way to the surface- Learning, life long learning- both spiritual and secular. Pres Eyring said “We will have to make some hard choices of how we use our time… But remember, you are interested in education, not just for mortal life but for eternal life. It means that we cannot waste time entertaining ourselves when we have the chance to read or to listen to whatever will help us learn what is true and useful. Insatiable curiosity will be our hallmark.”
Elder Hales said “Lifelong learning is essential to the vitality of the human min, body and soul. It enhances self-worth and self-actuation. Lifelong learning is invigoration mentally and is a great defense against aging, depression, and self-doubt.”
So actively engaging in learning is a must whether it is learning a new skill or reading an enlightening book or even studying a new topic. How exciting are these prospects. How about: voice lessons, getting back to my guitar, picking a topic at the library to study, more in- depth scripture study, institute…
Okay- How about a summary?
Priorities are NOT Amusements/time entertaining myself
Priorities ARE: Coming unto Christ in Faith and Study, My Families and Lifelong Learning
I’m going to add to My Priorities- developing gifts and talents, caring for the physical body with exercise and healthy diets, temple work, and keeping a house of order.
D&C 109:8 Organize yourselves; prepare every needful thing, and establish a house, even a house of prayer, a house of fasting, a house of faith, a house of learning, a house of glory, a house of order, a house of God.
Isn’t it interesting how priorities based on God’s will are quiet and humble. I can’t take a picture of my mind to show off to the world the new information and wonders it has acquired with study. But the things of God bring joy, peace, and progression in this life which is the ultimate purpose and how we fulfill our creation. So what are my plans for tomorrow, my very last day off this week? A dance class in the am, a trip to the library to start cracking open some books on the subject of choice in the pm, and nightcapping it off with FHE and some visiting teaching. And I am excited.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Prevention is the Best Medicine
I have now been working at the hospital on the trauma floors for 4 months. Before I become so accustomed to what I see on a daily basis, I want to put in writing some thoughts.
NO good comes with drugs or alcohol. I am amazed everyday at work when I am performing chart reviews how many of my patients lives are forever altered for worse because of it. Falling/jumping out of balconies, playing chicken crossing the road, drunk driving - car or motorcycle, liver failure (and you just didn't notice you were becoming the same shade as an Oompa Loompa?), stabbings, shootings, beatings by any numerous blunt object- (brick, bat, etc), falling down the stairs... The list continues to grow every week. The outcome ranges from death, worse than death (alive but most would have chosen death instead of this outcome), alive with potential- but a long road of years of rehab, sacrifice, pain, hard work, and you'll never be the same, to broken but full recovery- and lesson not learned. But it isn't only their life- family, friends, and even hospital staff are all affected-and it spirals outward because frequently they cause harm upon others as well as themselves. Many times I have had to tune out the wailing sobs from family as they see their loved one for the first time "since" or last time "since".
So many resources go to cleaning up and caring for these PREVENTABLE tragedies that it boggles my mind. Easily millions upon millions of dollars and thousands upon thousands of hours every year. This has naturally led me to ponder how and where these resources could be utilized if we could give up those two vices. I am rendered speechless because there is sooo much good we could accomplish. I am in awe of the prophet Joseph, the Word of Wisdom and God. It is truly the path of happiness. I also understand better D&C 104:17 "The earth is full and there is enough and to spare."
I came across an archived Music and the Spoken Word that elegantly stated much of what I have been musing. Not just about alcohol and drugs but prevention of suffering in general. I would call it a philosophy on "How to Live". This is how I want to live- and gratefully- do live.
"There is much to be said concerning the process of prevention, but in general it should be said that it is less costly to prevent than it is to try to mend or correct or cure—to prevent disease; to prevent regrets; to prevent broken hearts and broken homes; to prevent bankruptcy and going too deeply into debt; to prevent the consequences that follow when we fail to do what we should do. We would well remember that men were meant to be healthy and happy, physically, mentally, morally. And what we think, what we do, what we eat and drink, what we learn, and how we live are all part of the process. And why deliberately do anything—ever—that we know we’ll be sorry for? Why run against the laws of life? against conscience? Why run headlong into ill health and unhappiness? Why not prevent all the mistakes and ill health and unhappiness we can? The science of medicine has taught us much—much more than we use. The rules of safety have taught us much more than we use. The experience of the past, the conventions of society, have taught us much more than we use or pay attention to. The commandments of God can teach us much, but now we try to tell ourselves they are outdated and old-fashioned. The best remedy is first to recognize causes rather than merely try to run away from consequences. If we don’t want the physical penalties and remorse of immorality, we’d better stay away from immorality. If we don’t want the embarrassment and difficulties of debt, we’d better not let ourselves be led more deeply into debt. If we don’t want ill health and unhappiness, we’d better do our best to learn to live the laws of health and happiness. Some things we simply cannot ignore without realizing results—and among them are the commandments, the laws of life, and the physical and moral facts. In the process of prevention we should face up to what we should do, more than what we wish we hadn’t done. And instead of trying so hard to teach our young people how to get out of some things, we well would teach them how not to get into them."
NO good comes with drugs or alcohol. I am amazed everyday at work when I am performing chart reviews how many of my patients lives are forever altered for worse because of it. Falling/jumping out of balconies, playing chicken crossing the road, drunk driving - car or motorcycle, liver failure (and you just didn't notice you were becoming the same shade as an Oompa Loompa?), stabbings, shootings, beatings by any numerous blunt object- (brick, bat, etc), falling down the stairs... The list continues to grow every week. The outcome ranges from death, worse than death (alive but most would have chosen death instead of this outcome), alive with potential- but a long road of years of rehab, sacrifice, pain, hard work, and you'll never be the same, to broken but full recovery- and lesson not learned. But it isn't only their life- family, friends, and even hospital staff are all affected-and it spirals outward because frequently they cause harm upon others as well as themselves. Many times I have had to tune out the wailing sobs from family as they see their loved one for the first time "since" or last time "since".
So many resources go to cleaning up and caring for these PREVENTABLE tragedies that it boggles my mind. Easily millions upon millions of dollars and thousands upon thousands of hours every year. This has naturally led me to ponder how and where these resources could be utilized if we could give up those two vices. I am rendered speechless because there is sooo much good we could accomplish. I am in awe of the prophet Joseph, the Word of Wisdom and God. It is truly the path of happiness. I also understand better D&C 104:17 "The earth is full and there is enough and to spare."
I came across an archived Music and the Spoken Word that elegantly stated much of what I have been musing. Not just about alcohol and drugs but prevention of suffering in general. I would call it a philosophy on "How to Live". This is how I want to live- and gratefully- do live.
"There is much to be said concerning the process of prevention, but in general it should be said that it is less costly to prevent than it is to try to mend or correct or cure—to prevent disease; to prevent regrets; to prevent broken hearts and broken homes; to prevent bankruptcy and going too deeply into debt; to prevent the consequences that follow when we fail to do what we should do. We would well remember that men were meant to be healthy and happy, physically, mentally, morally. And what we think, what we do, what we eat and drink, what we learn, and how we live are all part of the process. And why deliberately do anything—ever—that we know we’ll be sorry for? Why run against the laws of life? against conscience? Why run headlong into ill health and unhappiness? Why not prevent all the mistakes and ill health and unhappiness we can? The science of medicine has taught us much—much more than we use. The rules of safety have taught us much more than we use. The experience of the past, the conventions of society, have taught us much more than we use or pay attention to. The commandments of God can teach us much, but now we try to tell ourselves they are outdated and old-fashioned. The best remedy is first to recognize causes rather than merely try to run away from consequences. If we don’t want the physical penalties and remorse of immorality, we’d better stay away from immorality. If we don’t want the embarrassment and difficulties of debt, we’d better not let ourselves be led more deeply into debt. If we don’t want ill health and unhappiness, we’d better do our best to learn to live the laws of health and happiness. Some things we simply cannot ignore without realizing results—and among them are the commandments, the laws of life, and the physical and moral facts. In the process of prevention we should face up to what we should do, more than what we wish we hadn’t done. And instead of trying so hard to teach our young people how to get out of some things, we well would teach them how not to get into them."
Monday, August 17, 2009
Ward Camp Out
Does it get any better than playing together?
Only by embarrassing yourselves together!
Ward Camp Out Extravaganza
It was supposed to be a picture of the tables of people... but it turned out to be a picture of the back of Fransico's head.
Some of the ward leadership including the bishop-- Eagles
"You can't hide your lying eyes"
I was surprised how many people had never heard this song before.
It topped off my limit of public humiliation and ended my dancing for the night-
But it was- Fun...?
It wouldn't have been too bad if we weren't the ONLY ones in front of EVERYONE
Love those girls-
Yes- she did sing Earl had to Die by the Dixie Chicks!
Maybe my favorite part of the night- after all the crazy fun- starlight guitar and singing
Oh and John played "my song" for me- Slow Dancing.
I think the ward camp out is officially one of my favorite activities! Great people- good food- beautiful location- What more can one want? Well I could have wanted to wake up in time for breakfast and the morning devotional! I was frustrated most the day because I missed it all. Working every other week/Sunday I miss out on a lot- both socially and spiritually with the ward. So I really look forward to such things. Well I didn't hear anyone that morning because I was sleeping up above most people and well- I missed it all! So my pictures are only from the crazy night before of dancing, karaoke, and the guitar jam. It rained on and off lightly that night but right as everyone was packing up it started to hail and the crack of thunder almost knocked you off your feet. I was grateful for Riley, Anna, and Hannah who noticed I was a bit behind and with the hail I could use a hand taking down the tent. And just like that it was all over. And I was very hungry by the time I got home.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Solo Journey- Destination Logan and More...
My weeks off are slowing starting to gain some what of a routine. Tuesday I start out slowly trying to recover from 7 days of insanity. The recovery is multidimensional- my own physical, mental and emotional as well as the environment I inhabit. There is much that is left undone during my work weeks. My room, the bathroom, kitchen, and this week I added on the front room to the list. Since I've been at it for a little while they are getting faster and easier to get back together. The amazing thing is -that even with 7 days off- I still can't do it all! Take for example the front stairs- they need to be cleaned badly!- or good old T-Rex and all the info from that computer I need to download and organize,- organize pictures- download music,-oil change for my car,- pants hemmed-, new tires for my car... All these things are on my list to do but haven't yet. Time will always be finite.
Wednesday I feel a need to escape- but since I am diligently trying to save money (down payment on a house and my travel fund)-I have to keep my gallivanting under control. I've decided to combine my temple session with my need to fly the coop. So I took my solo journey of the week- to Logan. I named this last Wednesday my Mary Poppins day- it was practically perfect in every way. I slept in, studied for my Sunday school lesson, had a spiritually and intellectually enlightening conversation with my roommate Emily who happened to come home for lunch. Then I jetted off to Logan and enjoyed a beautiful summer drive. I arrived at the temple literally just in time for the next session. It was my first time at the Logan temple- I do Love firsts!


Carved by wind!?
I made it back down the mountain in time to meet up with Pat Neary (who I met on the Havasupai trip) for dinner. I facebooked him that morning asking for a locals advice of things to do in Logan- he happened to be free that night so we met up at his house- he just bought it this year- and took off for Cafe Sabala. (I prefer non- chain restaurants whenever possible.) We talked for a couple hours- lingering at an empty table long after the food was gone. It was great! Intelligent conversation is a favorite. I love using the knowledge I have and learning about new things. Sometimes I think conversations are monochromatic- same things rehashed over and over without a flare of intellect. Refreshing and rejuvenating to discuss like that. I don't talk about the Hippocampus and Amygdala of the brain everyday- or learn about proving new mathematical equations.
Today I worked up the courage to go to RW's company dance class. I thought I managed alright for someone who dances here and there. But it was quite the complement when one of the company members commented that I looked beautiful/great. I know it was all things considered- but still, an unsolicited compliment like that from someone I was watching in awe... I'll take it!
And so here I am on my last day- blogging again. Perpetually trying to keep up! But let me tell you one thing I am going to get done -Finally- on my list of things to do this week... A NAP!
Wednesday I feel a need to escape- but since I am diligently trying to save money (down payment on a house and my travel fund)-I have to keep my gallivanting under control. I've decided to combine my temple session with my need to fly the coop. So I took my solo journey of the week- to Logan. I named this last Wednesday my Mary Poppins day- it was practically perfect in every way. I slept in, studied for my Sunday school lesson, had a spiritually and intellectually enlightening conversation with my roommate Emily who happened to come home for lunch. Then I jetted off to Logan and enjoyed a beautiful summer drive. I arrived at the temple literally just in time for the next session. It was my first time at the Logan temple- I do Love firsts!
The temple is even more beautiful at night, lit up, standing alone at the top of the hill.
After the session I took a drive up Logan canyon until I found a trail head. I changed from temple patron to hiking adventurer in the parking lot and headed out to see what this trail had to offer.
The particular trail I happened to stop at was perfect. Less than 2 miles up to the wind caves. Here is my destination. I wasn't sure what I was getting into because the trail head warned that it was a "difficult" hike. I kept waiting for the hike to become difficult- all the way till the end... It was uphill but not difficult.
Watch your step!! It was a gradual incline until... yikes. I wouldn't get any closer to that edge. I could just see my feet sliding out from under me and ending up at my hosptial.
I made it back down the mountain in time to meet up with Pat Neary (who I met on the Havasupai trip) for dinner. I facebooked him that morning asking for a locals advice of things to do in Logan- he happened to be free that night so we met up at his house- he just bought it this year- and took off for Cafe Sabala. (I prefer non- chain restaurants whenever possible.) We talked for a couple hours- lingering at an empty table long after the food was gone. It was great! Intelligent conversation is a favorite. I love using the knowledge I have and learning about new things. Sometimes I think conversations are monochromatic- same things rehashed over and over without a flare of intellect. Refreshing and rejuvenating to discuss like that. I don't talk about the Hippocampus and Amygdala of the brain everyday- or learn about proving new mathematical equations.
We went to USU campus for a great view of the temple at night and then it was time for me to drive home. I enjoyed the late night drive back and had smile on my face because it was then that I realized it had been a Mary Poppins kinda day.
My tentative plan is to explore Utah using the temples as a "road map".
Thursday I went to Lehi to visit family and help out if possible- got to remind the kids who their favorite aunt is! It takes a bit of effort to try to gain and retain the favorite aunt position- can't just assume...
Then the rest of the week just seems to slip by like a slippery live fish in your hands. Between studying and preparing for my lesson and friends finally able to play with me. I was excited when my Saturday night "I want to do something" became a fun night out. Text messaging is amazing. I called Rachel and asked if she was up for the dollar movie theater- we texted peeps and we had 12 people at the movies in about an hour.
Today I worked up the courage to go to RW's company dance class. I thought I managed alright for someone who dances here and there. But it was quite the complement when one of the company members commented that I looked beautiful/great. I know it was all things considered- but still, an unsolicited compliment like that from someone I was watching in awe... I'll take it!
And so here I am on my last day- blogging again. Perpetually trying to keep up! But let me tell you one thing I am going to get done -Finally- on my list of things to do this week... A NAP!
Hasta La Siesta!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Summer Lovin
My record keeping and written musings have been few and far between! I am only somewhat apologetic because it means I have been out playing and living! It is summer after all. The top of my head is still very tender from a fantastic sunburn I got on my part line after a day in the sun at the lake. Playing in the water with good friends- my ward. This is the only picture I manage to take the whole day. You would never know at least 50 people were there.

Working every other week- including the weekends- has helped me appreciate so much. I don't have the opportunity to associate with my ward as much so the time I do get I thoroughly enjoy. I suppose it also helps that they are fantastic people. I was playing cards with some girls from the ward last night and I couldn't help but think how lucky I was to have such amazing and fun people in my life. I get to associate and play with great people. And isn't that what life is all about- our relationships with others. Of course a conversation about men came up- it was brief- I think we have gotten to the age where we just don't dwell on it like before. There was the classic sigh followed by why is there such a lack of men- real men? Ashley summed it all up with- yeah- I mean all I'm looking for is a man who looks like Hugh Jackman and acts like Pres Hinckley. At that point we all rolled with laughter because that was the exact summary of "The Man of our Dreams". And that was the end of that conversation.
On top of playing a bit more, I have been steadily working to clean the house. So many ugly things I have chosen not to see the last year- out of self preservation- because I didn't have time to see it. If I don't see it then I don't have to clean it. For example: the refrigerator. I firmly believe the place where you store the food you plan to consume should in and of itself should be clean. I know- crazy talk! Slightly extreme- but I'm not taking it back. That is just my personal belief and you can choose for yourself what you believe. I 'm not imposing my belief on anyone.

Look! White and Sparkling!
The funny story behind cleaning the frig was when I did it. Okay- not actually a funny story but I'm going to tell it anyway. It had been on the list of things to do during my week off for a month and I was bound and determined not to let it go one more time. But my scheduled frig cleaning day was flying by fast and furious. The day stared with a dance class from the Rire-Woodbury Advanced Summer Camp I took every weekday morning this 7 day off - which FYI was fantastic. I was proud that I got out of bed and made it to morning class every day. All I have to say is INTENSE- well at least for me- I was flying through the air to the ground back up to throw myself back down to the ground. Twisting turning and LIVING! Bruises on my legs, red sweaty face and salt lines on my clothes from the sweat. It was fantastic! After class on Friday I had a great lunch date with my Aunt Marilyn and since we were on temple square I thought it a great time to catch my temple session for the week. During which the thought- "Martha thou art careful and troubled over many things but only one thing is needful and Mary hath chosen the better part." It was a note to self to let go of the "doing" and experience the precious moments, especially the ones that bring us to Christ. Anyway... I got home and thought- "I have 1 1/2 hours. Plenty of time to scrub the carpet and clean the frig before my double date." (I think I have a hard time not being Martha). So I scrubbed the carpet- look below! I know it's a bad picture... but- No major black arc marking our favorite pathway from the front room to the kitchen!

My mom actually got me hooked on that project. Note to self- when the whole carpet is in need of cleaning, Oxi cleaning the dark stain spots doesn't produce the desired results. Instead of dark stains we had white spots dotting the carpet...
Then I moved along to the frig. I have an hour- no problem- right? Let me tell you I was a whirling white tornado. There was a lot of scrubbing- refrigerators have a lot of surface space- and dangerously frightening crevices! I finished 2 minutes before my date and I was sweaty. Yikes! Fortunately we were going hiking so I didn't need to be pristine. I was ready minus only my shoes with the doorbell rang. Miracle. (I think they may have been a few minutes late) The date was fun- minus being mauled by some one's over eager big dog and getting cold enough I was loosing some circulation to my fingers. It gets cold when the sun goes down. But it was kinda fun to go home and enjoy a cup of hot chocolate on July 31st.
And while we are on the subject of dating... I have stepped, certainly only temporarily, into a dating vortex. It is kinda fun. 3 dates with different people in basically just one week. That is my typical 3-6 month count. So far they have all been fun. Not one dating disaster or painfully long hours. I have one date left and I know I will like that one- Cirque du Soliel! Very excited. The other dates were hiking, nickle arcade, and mini golf. I honestly loved them all, I felt like I was an undergrad again. Fun, fairly inexpensive dates with interaction and talking. I felt a lot of the real me coming out- something which I realized was missing in my last "relationship". So refreshing. And I was treated very well- something I am really sad to say was also missing previously. I was reminded that I really do like being me. Me- is a fun person! I don't think there will be any continued dates with them-just not my match- but it is good to be going out.
My most dangerous adventure has been my stand off with- The Wasp Nest. I was walking up my back stairs after work 2 Sundays ago when I happened to look down at Ken's kitchen window. In utter horror I realized there was a busy, humming, thriving wasp nest the size of a volleyball! Unfortunately I didn't think to take a picture until I had significantly harmed the nest. I found that I couldn't just walk away once I knew it was there. Kinda like my cleaning- once I see the problem I have a difficult time ignoring it. I tried to lay down and take a nap- which was the scheduled plan so I could be vivacious for a BBQ since I was on day 6 for work. But I couldn't sleep. I kept thinking about the B rated horror movie that was occurring just below my bedroom window. So I gave up and began my attack. I started by hanging precariously over my back porch with a broom and poking it with the broom handle. I'm not sure what I was trying to accomplish, but I think I was hoping to knock it off. It remained quite firmly affixed but I did manage to poke a nice hole through the top- I immediately ran behind the safety of the back laundry room firmly closing and crazily enough, locking ,the door behind me. Don't Judge! I know locking didn't make me any safer from the wasps- But for some reason I FELT safer. Poking turned out to not be the most effective method. So I turned to throwing buckets of water at it from up above- always immediately turning and running back inside closing and- perhaps- locking the door behind me. There may have even been a squeal or two accompanying the plight to safety. You may have squealed too if 300 wasps ran out angry from their nest! Again- don't judge. I managed to break off 3 tiers of the nest in this manner- mostly destroying the nest. This is when I did think to take pictures.

This is what was left of the nest after the 3 tiers had fallen. The wasps were starting to calm down a little so I felt safe enough to take the picture. Still a rather impressive grouping.

This is looking down on to the main part of what had broken off. Unfortunately I couldn't get the top piece of the nest to dislodge from the top of the window and the wasps were anxiously engaged in restoration of their castle. I wasn't about to stand under them and attack without the protection of my locked door so, I settled that it would have to wait.--- 1 week and 2 bottles of wasp spray later... I have come off conqueror!

Some of the fallen
And that about somes up some of the highlights. And that is only from this week. It's been a good summer!
Working every other week- including the weekends- has helped me appreciate so much. I don't have the opportunity to associate with my ward as much so the time I do get I thoroughly enjoy. I suppose it also helps that they are fantastic people. I was playing cards with some girls from the ward last night and I couldn't help but think how lucky I was to have such amazing and fun people in my life. I get to associate and play with great people. And isn't that what life is all about- our relationships with others. Of course a conversation about men came up- it was brief- I think we have gotten to the age where we just don't dwell on it like before. There was the classic sigh followed by why is there such a lack of men- real men? Ashley summed it all up with- yeah- I mean all I'm looking for is a man who looks like Hugh Jackman and acts like Pres Hinckley. At that point we all rolled with laughter because that was the exact summary of "The Man of our Dreams". And that was the end of that conversation.
On top of playing a bit more, I have been steadily working to clean the house. So many ugly things I have chosen not to see the last year- out of self preservation- because I didn't have time to see it. If I don't see it then I don't have to clean it. For example: the refrigerator. I firmly believe the place where you store the food you plan to consume should in and of itself should be clean. I know- crazy talk! Slightly extreme- but I'm not taking it back. That is just my personal belief and you can choose for yourself what you believe. I 'm not imposing my belief on anyone.
Look! White and Sparkling!
The funny story behind cleaning the frig was when I did it. Okay- not actually a funny story but I'm going to tell it anyway. It had been on the list of things to do during my week off for a month and I was bound and determined not to let it go one more time. But my scheduled frig cleaning day was flying by fast and furious. The day stared with a dance class from the Rire-Woodbury Advanced Summer Camp I took every weekday morning this 7 day off - which FYI was fantastic. I was proud that I got out of bed and made it to morning class every day. All I have to say is INTENSE- well at least for me- I was flying through the air to the ground back up to throw myself back down to the ground. Twisting turning and LIVING! Bruises on my legs, red sweaty face and salt lines on my clothes from the sweat. It was fantastic! After class on Friday I had a great lunch date with my Aunt Marilyn and since we were on temple square I thought it a great time to catch my temple session for the week. During which the thought- "Martha thou art careful and troubled over many things but only one thing is needful and Mary hath chosen the better part." It was a note to self to let go of the "doing" and experience the precious moments, especially the ones that bring us to Christ. Anyway... I got home and thought- "I have 1 1/2 hours. Plenty of time to scrub the carpet and clean the frig before my double date." (I think I have a hard time not being Martha). So I scrubbed the carpet- look below! I know it's a bad picture... but- No major black arc marking our favorite pathway from the front room to the kitchen!
My mom actually got me hooked on that project. Note to self- when the whole carpet is in need of cleaning, Oxi cleaning the dark stain spots doesn't produce the desired results. Instead of dark stains we had white spots dotting the carpet...
Then I moved along to the frig. I have an hour- no problem- right? Let me tell you I was a whirling white tornado. There was a lot of scrubbing- refrigerators have a lot of surface space- and dangerously frightening crevices! I finished 2 minutes before my date and I was sweaty. Yikes! Fortunately we were going hiking so I didn't need to be pristine. I was ready minus only my shoes with the doorbell rang. Miracle. (I think they may have been a few minutes late) The date was fun- minus being mauled by some one's over eager big dog and getting cold enough I was loosing some circulation to my fingers. It gets cold when the sun goes down. But it was kinda fun to go home and enjoy a cup of hot chocolate on July 31st.
And while we are on the subject of dating... I have stepped, certainly only temporarily, into a dating vortex. It is kinda fun. 3 dates with different people in basically just one week. That is my typical 3-6 month count. So far they have all been fun. Not one dating disaster or painfully long hours. I have one date left and I know I will like that one- Cirque du Soliel! Very excited. The other dates were hiking, nickle arcade, and mini golf. I honestly loved them all, I felt like I was an undergrad again. Fun, fairly inexpensive dates with interaction and talking. I felt a lot of the real me coming out- something which I realized was missing in my last "relationship". So refreshing. And I was treated very well- something I am really sad to say was also missing previously. I was reminded that I really do like being me. Me- is a fun person! I don't think there will be any continued dates with them-just not my match- but it is good to be going out.
My most dangerous adventure has been my stand off with- The Wasp Nest. I was walking up my back stairs after work 2 Sundays ago when I happened to look down at Ken's kitchen window. In utter horror I realized there was a busy, humming, thriving wasp nest the size of a volleyball! Unfortunately I didn't think to take a picture until I had significantly harmed the nest. I found that I couldn't just walk away once I knew it was there. Kinda like my cleaning- once I see the problem I have a difficult time ignoring it. I tried to lay down and take a nap- which was the scheduled plan so I could be vivacious for a BBQ since I was on day 6 for work. But I couldn't sleep. I kept thinking about the B rated horror movie that was occurring just below my bedroom window. So I gave up and began my attack. I started by hanging precariously over my back porch with a broom and poking it with the broom handle. I'm not sure what I was trying to accomplish, but I think I was hoping to knock it off. It remained quite firmly affixed but I did manage to poke a nice hole through the top- I immediately ran behind the safety of the back laundry room firmly closing and crazily enough, locking ,the door behind me. Don't Judge! I know locking didn't make me any safer from the wasps- But for some reason I FELT safer. Poking turned out to not be the most effective method. So I turned to throwing buckets of water at it from up above- always immediately turning and running back inside closing and- perhaps- locking the door behind me. There may have even been a squeal or two accompanying the plight to safety. You may have squealed too if 300 wasps ran out angry from their nest! Again- don't judge. I managed to break off 3 tiers of the nest in this manner- mostly destroying the nest. This is when I did think to take pictures.
This is what was left of the nest after the 3 tiers had fallen. The wasps were starting to calm down a little so I felt safe enough to take the picture. Still a rather impressive grouping.
This is looking down on to the main part of what had broken off. Unfortunately I couldn't get the top piece of the nest to dislodge from the top of the window and the wasps were anxiously engaged in restoration of their castle. I wasn't about to stand under them and attack without the protection of my locked door so, I settled that it would have to wait.--- 1 week and 2 bottles of wasp spray later... I have come off conqueror!
Some of the fallen
And that about somes up some of the highlights. And that is only from this week. It's been a good summer!
Monday, August 3, 2009
Havasupai- 2009
Disclaimer- I am not a photographer nor a historian. I am grateful for the pictures I do have but there is much left undocumented by me. Although I could sort through the 1000 + pictures that have been compiled from every one's cameras and produce a complete work... I'm just not that dedicated. So you have some of highlights from my camera.
The trip started with the typical late night shopping and packing frenzy- a scale to weigh the pack and re evaluating over and over what don't I need to lighten the pack. The next morning came very early as we congregated at the master coordinator's house- Jamie Prince. Car loads assigned- our car - Will drove, Kristin, Andrew, and Pat and I jumped in and we were off. What can I say- we had a fun car! I did not know any of the boys but we were soon all laughing, talking, sleeping, teasing, and the whole 12 hour road trip was one of the most enjoyable long rides I can remember. At St George we stopped at Jaime's mothers house who had made lunch for everyone- that is about 15-20 hungry singles. And it was hot! The cookies she sent with us melted before we even got them to the car. Will's family lives in Vegas- and since we were driving through we stopped in and met Will's Mom. Also- very hot. But a popsickle and some water, chapstick and a mothers reminder to pray and be safe and we were set. The bathroom and the ping pong table were also utilized. At the Hoover dam we stopped- stepped outside and thought yikes!! Only 115 degrees. I had never been to the Hoover dam before and was very excited about it. Finally we came to the Indian reservation- after saving the world from some trash at the hotel after a bathroom break we made it to the parking lot. We thought we were way behind from our extra stop in Vegas but like the tortoise and the hair we were the second car. Fortunately the car that beat us was the one with dinner inside. Jamie's mom not only feed us lunch but packed away a dinner for everyone!
Here we are in the parking lot of the trail head eating most delicious curry chicken wraps and chips.
We spent the night on the landing next to the parking lot sort of near the edge of the cliff. The Cliff didn't seem too near until we heard horses stampeding in the middle of the night towards us and we thought we were cornered. Fortunately a dog herded them (2) up and we were safe. But everyone was crouched ready to spring. That is my beautiful sleeping bag in all its heaviness. I really should invest in a light weight bag.

On the trail- I wish I had a picture of the switch backs- the trail looks cake from here. But it was pitch black both times I was on it. Remember Hoover dam at 115 degrees wasn't that far away- we headed out at 4 am in the dark to miss the heat.
Hiking at sunrise.

Wild horses- very skinny ones. Along the trail we met wild horses, a pack of wild dogs with blood shot eyes, and locals rounding up their horses through the gully so fast we dived out of the way up onto a boulder as they came running past. You can move quickly with a heavy pack on if you have enough motivation.
The coordinator hostess with the mostest!! Jamie- we are almost there!
The new fall created after/during the flooding last year. Replacing the previous fall which apparently was on the other side. We got to town at about 7:30 am bought our permits took a little break and finished the last 2 miles.
One of the churches in the village. This is an Indian reservation, this is the Havasu Indians. They sell permits to camp on their land. I much prefer this method of making money than to casinos.

River leading the way...
There she is- isn't she beautiful- Havasu Falls! Yeah- I was swimming in that only a few hours later.

Some of us girls at the top of the falls.

Original camp site... I think a hammock would have been the way to go. Others in our group knew what they were doing.



We can't believe we are actually standing in this glorious place. How did we get sooo lucky!?



I think sitting at the picnic table in the river was one of my favorite things! I don't have a picture but we had 15 people at one time crowded on.


Moony Falls- a favorite


This was part of the trail...

So was this...



Two of my favorite people- Will and Kristin. Will has more stories than Mother Goose. In fact Kristin and I were remembering them last night and just remembering them made me laugh so hard I almost cried. The first time around I was laughing crying and trying to fit breathing in somewhere. It was amazing.



Guess who we found there the same weekend--- Emily Hodson!


I was there!! This place is real! What my camera failed to show is how tropical teal blue the water is.





Hanging out at the table- must have been a meal time...


Good Morning!! I think it was 7am or so. Impossible to sleep in camping.

Helicoper landing pad. Hike, ride a horse, or fly- those are your only options here.

Church!! This is almost the whole group- but we are still missing a few who somehow managed an escape before the photo. There is only one active family in the village. There used to be many. But we are grateful for the one family because we had a place to take the Sacrament on the Sabbath.

There were a few battle wounds along the way. Kristin's toe decided to morph into a blister- a huge blister.

My pride and desire to show off for a cute boy with a video camera lead to my dimise. You will see the actual injury a day or so after the fact later. It bleed well...

We spend the rest of the Sabbath at the edge of the river cooling our feet in the river and just talking and enjoying a day of rest.

A river runs through it! Through the campgrounds that is.

We were in a slot canyon of red rock. Absolutely stunning- except when it channeled a hot wind up the canyon at night that made you feel like you were inside a blow dryer.

Lindy and I. Love that girl. We were orginally coming together later because the permits were sold out for the first night. Change of plans later- but without the orginal plan I might never have made there.

Kristin's shiner from the rope swing... it was really pretty and unique.

Hiking out at sunset Sunday night.

We made it!! 10 miles later... Even with a much light pack- the hike out was still intense. We were back at the parking lot at 1am. Bet you can't tell where Kristin's pack was. We hiked out in our car groups for the way home. Andrew was with us but he stopped at the switchbacks and didn't make it in until 3:30am.

Here is my pretty foot already healing well. For the hike out I still had the skin flap and we superglued it closed. That worked for a little while until it just became a hard loose skin flap... But by that time my feet were warm and numb from hiking and as long as we didn't really stop I was fine.

The whole car altogether at sunrise before our long drive home. I don't know if you figured it out yet- but there wasn't a lot of sleeping on this trip. Too many sunrises and sunsets pictured...

Look close and you will see a rack to behold! He was in the middle of the street as we were driving home.

I had my camera out this time for the HOOVER DAM

The crazy bridge they are building- soooo high.


Since we had to pass through Vegas on our way out... we of course said hello to mamasita- Will's Mom. We all took a couch and passed out for an hour. Then we hit the Bellagio buffet. I mean backpacking food for days! Wouldn't you?!
The trip started with the typical late night shopping and packing frenzy- a scale to weigh the pack and re evaluating over and over what don't I need to lighten the pack. The next morning came very early as we congregated at the master coordinator's house- Jamie Prince. Car loads assigned- our car - Will drove, Kristin, Andrew, and Pat and I jumped in and we were off. What can I say- we had a fun car! I did not know any of the boys but we were soon all laughing, talking, sleeping, teasing, and the whole 12 hour road trip was one of the most enjoyable long rides I can remember. At St George we stopped at Jaime's mothers house who had made lunch for everyone- that is about 15-20 hungry singles. And it was hot! The cookies she sent with us melted before we even got them to the car. Will's family lives in Vegas- and since we were driving through we stopped in and met Will's Mom. Also- very hot. But a popsickle and some water, chapstick and a mothers reminder to pray and be safe and we were set. The bathroom and the ping pong table were also utilized. At the Hoover dam we stopped- stepped outside and thought yikes!! Only 115 degrees. I had never been to the Hoover dam before and was very excited about it. Finally we came to the Indian reservation- after saving the world from some trash at the hotel after a bathroom break we made it to the parking lot. We thought we were way behind from our extra stop in Vegas but like the tortoise and the hair we were the second car. Fortunately the car that beat us was the one with dinner inside. Jamie's mom not only feed us lunch but packed away a dinner for everyone!
On the trail- I wish I had a picture of the switch backs- the trail looks cake from here. But it was pitch black both times I was on it. Remember Hoover dam at 115 degrees wasn't that far away- we headed out at 4 am in the dark to miss the heat.
Wild horses- very skinny ones. Along the trail we met wild horses, a pack of wild dogs with blood shot eyes, and locals rounding up their horses through the gully so fast we dived out of the way up onto a boulder as they came running past. You can move quickly with a heavy pack on if you have enough motivation.
River leading the way...
Some of us girls at the top of the falls.
Original camp site... I think a hammock would have been the way to go. Others in our group knew what they were doing.
This was part of the trail...
So was this...
I admit my heart rate increased the first time- especially with the frayed rope holding one of the ladders. But it was that dangerous sort of fun and excitement and it was worth it!
Two of my favorite people- Will and Kristin. Will has more stories than Mother Goose. In fact Kristin and I were remembering them last night and just remembering them made me laugh so hard I almost cried. The first time around I was laughing crying and trying to fit breathing in somewhere. It was amazing.
Guess who we found there the same weekend--- Emily Hodson!
I was there!! This place is real! What my camera failed to show is how tropical teal blue the water is.
I think this is one of my favorite pics of me. Not bad for 30... =)
There was the group that had a little morning 5 mile one way jog to the Colorado river... I was happy with my yoga.
Hanging out at the table- must have been a meal time...
Good Morning!! I think it was 7am or so. Impossible to sleep in camping.
Helicoper landing pad. Hike, ride a horse, or fly- those are your only options here.
Church!! This is almost the whole group- but we are still missing a few who somehow managed an escape before the photo. There is only one active family in the village. There used to be many. But we are grateful for the one family because we had a place to take the Sacrament on the Sabbath.
There were a few battle wounds along the way. Kristin's toe decided to morph into a blister- a huge blister.
My pride and desire to show off for a cute boy with a video camera lead to my dimise. You will see the actual injury a day or so after the fact later. It bleed well...
We spend the rest of the Sabbath at the edge of the river cooling our feet in the river and just talking and enjoying a day of rest.
A river runs through it! Through the campgrounds that is.
We were in a slot canyon of red rock. Absolutely stunning- except when it channeled a hot wind up the canyon at night that made you feel like you were inside a blow dryer.
Lindy and I. Love that girl. We were orginally coming together later because the permits were sold out for the first night. Change of plans later- but without the orginal plan I might never have made there.
Kristin's shiner from the rope swing... it was really pretty and unique.
Hiking out at sunset Sunday night.
We made it!! 10 miles later... Even with a much light pack- the hike out was still intense. We were back at the parking lot at 1am. Bet you can't tell where Kristin's pack was. We hiked out in our car groups for the way home. Andrew was with us but he stopped at the switchbacks and didn't make it in until 3:30am.
Here is my pretty foot already healing well. For the hike out I still had the skin flap and we superglued it closed. That worked for a little while until it just became a hard loose skin flap... But by that time my feet were warm and numb from hiking and as long as we didn't really stop I was fine.
Sunrise overlooking our trek.
The whole car altogether at sunrise before our long drive home. I don't know if you figured it out yet- but there wasn't a lot of sleeping on this trip. Too many sunrises and sunsets pictured...
Look close and you will see a rack to behold! He was in the middle of the street as we were driving home.
I had my camera out this time for the HOOVER DAM
The crazy bridge they are building- soooo high.
Since we had to pass through Vegas on our way out... we of course said hello to mamasita- Will's Mom. We all took a couch and passed out for an hour. Then we hit the Bellagio buffet. I mean backpacking food for days! Wouldn't you?!
The rest they say is history. We safety arrived at Jamie's only to discover Pat's car had been towed over the weekend. He was able to sort through that mess and Kristin and I got in at 11pm. I was starting my work week the next day and i was anxious for bed. I will tell you last week was a little harder at work because I was already exhausted. But it was Worth it a million times over!!!
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