Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Simple Pleasures

It is days like today that make me think I have stepped into a dream world. My new job is hard work and by day 7, my last hour of work, my legs were literally shaking I was so worn down. (being sick all week didn't help). I was shocked how exhausted I was... but its Thursday now, and baby I'm doing alright. I can't believe my new life! All the doors it opens. I have time to breathe, rest (as much as I can let myself), smile, dance, visit with friends... I just have to shake my head at because it all feels soooo good and I didn't think it was possible. I just need a to make a little more money so I can add a lot of travel to my 7 off activities.

Here are some simple pleasures that have put a smile on my face today.

Morning dance class
Hot shower
Pandora playing
Clean room, bed made
Sitting on my bed with a spread for lunch of grapes, Jarlsburg cheese, deli sliced turkey, hummus and sesame seed crackers.
AND... it is noon on a Thursday and I used to Dread Thursdays.

I have so much to catch up on blogging. I so many ponderings I want to explore and pictures of life as I know it. Not in the schedule for today however. And I worried I wouldn't have enough to do with 7 days off. I should know myself better than that! Hopefully though a few more posts will be coming soon.

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