Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Facebook Success Story

My first year of high school I had Mr Dewey 1st period for English. Amongst the more memorable parts of that class included the caked spittle that would form on both sides of his mouth growing larger and more discolored as the class proceeded- making it at times utterly impossible to look at him-, his hair magically changing from grey to dark brown at times throughout the year, and it is the class that I met Tyson Fok. Strangely enough I prefer the part of meeting Tyson. He was smart, cute, funny, and always living up life. (and driving the 4 or 5 blocks to school) We had various classes together throughout high school and I admit- throughout the years I always had some varying level of a crush for Tyson. Well, high school ended (as it hopefully does for all) and I flew the coup off to Utah, while good friends stayed in California. I think I saw Tyson once after I left for college. Throughout the years my thoughts occasionally strayed wondering what he was up to. 11-12 years later... the creation of facebook.

Tyson and I connected on facebook about 6 weeks ago. Perfect timing- he and his family just happened to be coming to Utah this summer. With all things said and done he ended up picking me up from the airport (because I was coming back from our old home town in Cali) and we played this last weekend. After 12 years he hasn't changed much- the same Tyson I remember just- better. And we had fun. Dinner, yoga, farmers market, Ani De Franco concert, and just talking were some of the highlights. It was a great weekend and I'm sad we live so far apart- he would be a great friend to play with more often.

Farmers Market Sushi
(FYI Tyson was a sushi chef in college to pay the bills)

One photo before we part ways...
Just a side note- I am wearing heels that are close to 4 inches and I think he still crouched down a bit for the photo- probably part of the reason he is a volleyball extraordinaire.

So thank you Facebook!! We couldn't have done it without you!


SRA said...

That's great. He's beautiful. :)

Joe said...

Ty is one of the nicest guys I know. Hope he makes it out to Thailand to visit soon!!