Saturday, July 5, 2008

Heaven's Highlights

As Emily and I were hiking the morning of the 4 th of July (to become an annual tradition), our conversation turned to an interesting subject- videos in heaven. Let's not argue how they would not actaully be videos or DVDs... not the point. It all started when my brain wandered as it is wont to do and it landed on this thought--- it would be nice when we get to heaven to hear all the kind, positive thoughts people had about you. I believe there are so many unsaid things that could help someone along the way. I do make it a point to try and tell people my kind thoughts about them, but I am no way near 100%. Well, that started a stream of thoughts. Emily's top video she wants to view is her blopper reel. So here is a very short list. I would love to hear anyone else's ideas of what highlights they want to see in heaven.

Kind thoughts about me (perhaps the most egocentric video... but it did start the conversation so it deserves to be first.)
The blooper reel (I wonder if there is a prize for whoever has the longest reel)
The times I got it right...finally
The result of the kind things I did for others
All the times I belly laughed
Personal moments of art
The Whys
The kind things others did for me I never noticed (a belated thank you is better than none at all right?)
Moments of joy, peace, or contentment
Top Adventures
Effects of my example I never knew about
My guardian angels at work (just how many times did they save my life?)
Moments I lived up to my potential (I really hope I have a few of these)

The best part of this conversation was the effect it had on me. It made me want to be better--so I am excited to see the "Best of Heather". Something worth watching. Specifically, it made me want to do more for others. It was Emily's comment of wanting to see the effect of kind things you do for others that prompted this excitment. (How shameful am I... I wanted know all the good things people think about me and she wants to see the effect of her kind deeds. I think this is a sad commentary on the two of us. She is always looking for ways to serve and is an excellent example to me. I am hoping serving others consistently will be on my "I finally got it right" reel.) What would you change to make a spectacular "best of"? Emily and I joked, after repentance, it would be sad if our videos were only 10 minutes long.

Self Portrait of the Hikers


Anonymous said...

I'd add the evidences of God in your life - the times a prayer was answered, the times you felt the spirit, the times a really spectacular sunrise/sunset happened just so you could see it.

Anonymous said...

how about all the promptings from the spirit...