Friday, April 18, 2008


1. I ate 2 oranges last night with only the amazing sensation of juicy sweetness in my mouth. (and maybe a little on my face and hands- they were juicy oranges.) This means I am officially off my diet and it worked!!! I had an apple Tuesday night as the first thing I ate when I was done. Divine- that is all that can be said. I have been "slowly" adding foods back in. I admit, I was nervous to try an orange- it took a couple days to work up the courage. But... it couldn't have been better. Last night was priceless.

2. AKA mysterious ways. This miracle is unfolding not complete and I just happen to be a witness to a portion of it. As a PT I have the pleasure of working with the general public. I admit that prior to being a PT I thought I understood what "general public" meant. I had no idea how limited my paradigm was. It is by no means easy to treat everyone equally at work. 90% of the time yes- 10% no. And that 10% will test your patience and character. Several months ago I started treating "Jane Smith". As the visits progressed the more and more I dreaded seeing her name on my schedule. After one particular visit I was downright angry and angry is not a common emotion for me. I was so happy when we agreed to change her to a HEP (home exercise program). But sure enough she calls back saying she just can't do it on her own and needs me. Negative, opinionated, anti-mormon, self- elevating, and blames all her woes on someone else. I tried to detact myself and not care, but she always got under my skin. Ok, so I'm sure your wondering where is the miracle- I'm getting to it I promise.

On Tuesday "Jane" broke down into tears sobbing. Emotional breakdowns are a common occurance in all forms of therapy. But I felt prompted to tell her something I normally would keep to myself at work. I looked her in the eyes and told her she needed to pray. Not what an anti-mormon is lookin gto hear from a mormon. Yesterday she came back for her next visit. I was shocked when while I was working with her she told me she took my advice- she prayed. On previous visits I've heard all about how those damned mormon missionaries keep coming over to her house- asking her why she doesn't go to church any more and if something happened in the past. Her response is yes many things have happened but I don't want to talk to you about it. Well, she started telling me about her long list of complaints and problems which she had encountered. I had experiences from my past which previously I could not understand the point of that helped me talk to her. I learned that afternoon that the Lord is anxious to help and guide his children. He loves us even when we do not love him and is always working in our behalf. The previous months of my frustration had been a tool enabling her to trust me and allowed the Lord to reach out to her in a way no one else had been able to. I only hope that this is the tip of the miracle and she continues in the path she has begun- prayer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Orange, One of the great colors of the world. Sunsets and wildflowers, and of course the nectar of the gods: Oranges. Mark brought up some from Fresno straight off a tree, that were pure goodness. I am soo glad that you can, again savor the best gifts of nature.